While spinning through all the mindless television programming tonight, we came across PBS's We're Still Here. The program took an interesting and contemporary look at the Lokata Native American Indians and Native Hawaiians. On the topic of Hawai`i, Hawaiian homestead land, schools and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs was discussed. We're pretty sure we caught a glimse of Kaliko Beamer-Trapp in one scene.
BTW, nothing against mindless TV, I watch it every night!
Andy, I wish I had seen this. Have to keep a finger to the pulse of PBS. A couple years ago I saw a spellbinding hula performance on PBS, Holo Mai Pele performed by Halau O Kekuhi. It was about the selection of Halema'uma'u as her home. PBS just had a week dedicated to the blues, paying respect to some great talent.
Anyway, I'm glad that these issues are alive Somewhere.