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Auntie Nancy
593 Posts |
Posted - 02/18/2005 : 2:39:47 PM
Turtles in the frozen north? found only by vets.... Patrick, be careful about taking anything Karl says seriously or you'll be in pursuit of an old tractor. Here's a good idea that came from slkho Rik - to keep the guitar from slipping on your leg, get a piece of the type of shelf liner that is used on boats (and campers?) to keep things from slipping on the tables and in the cupboards. It's readily available at places like SavOn, Target (no WalMarts around here). Maybe Dusty can find a picture and post it if you're unclear. and how do you ever get to practice with twins?? have fun!! auntie |
nancy cook |
Karl Monetti
756 Posts |
Posted - 02/19/2005 : 11:05:48 AM
Auntie Nancy, Anybody out there playing Ovations, the lap/slip problem is easily overcome by glueing a piece of smoke tanned moose hide on the waistline of the lap end of the guitar. Works like a charm
BTW, a great recipe for cubed moose; take one moose cube it serves 450 |
Karl Frozen North |
740 Posts |
Posted - 02/22/2005 : 10:12:14 AM
Yikes!.... fresh out of moose, darn. -slkho |
Karl Monetti
756 Posts |
Posted - 02/22/2005 : 9:00:12 PM
jwn, My Ovation doesn;t really smell all that bad, except when I play it. And, the moose don;t seem to mind the smell, either. Ceviche? SOunds like babiche....rawhide. THat's the extent of my french. |
Karl Frozen North |
62 Posts |
Posted - 02/23/2005 : 07:32:37 AM
Thanks for the tip about the adhesive, I'll check it out later. I practice with twins in the house by starting late at night or early in the morning when they are asleep, and in the early evenings I have persuaded one boy that watching and not touching is how he can be a good boy and get to play with it a little at the end of my practice. The other boy, alas tries to climb in my lap when the guitar is still there. Sigh. Occasionally doing a version of "C is for Cookie" or "MA-na Ma-na" will get them dancing and spinning across the floor. Distractions work wonders... Stringbreaker |
Crazy Man Tuning |
553 Posts |
Posted - 02/23/2005 : 3:50:37 PM
Mmmmmmmm....Moose! tastes like chicken |
my Poodle is smarter than your honor student |
Karl Monetti
756 Posts |
Posted - 02/26/2005 : 11:27:53 AM
Actually, Piff, moose tastes more like, well, how do i put this......moose! Really lean beef. Very nutritious, better for you than beef, hardly any fat, very high quality protein. No preservatives, no drugs, just the occsassional chunk of lead which is easily avoided during the cleaning process. I really love those ungainly critters. I don't hunt them anymore. Don't eat enough meat to justify killing one. And, they are SO COOL. Any time you can watch a thousand pound critter prance through 3 feet of snow as if it were dry ground, uphill or down, plunge into an icy creek and emerge into 40 below temperatures and just give a cursory shake to get the big drops off, and resume browsing on the willows, you know you are in the presence of something totally adapted to its surroundings. Wish i fet that way in what i do. Totally competent, confident, un-self-concious. Anyway, moose tastes like moose, lynx tastes like chicken. |
Karl Frozen North |
Luna Ho`omalu
1533 Posts |
Posted - 02/26/2005 : 8:13:44 PM
RE: Moose I was driving down a North Idaho rural highway last week and the car in front of me slammed on its brakes and I had to swerve quickly to avoid rear-ending it. That's when I found myself just a few feet from an adult moose moseying across the the road. Just about got a mouthful of moose without hunting. If the moose hadn't swerved a little, too, he would have been in my lap. If I hadn't been listening to slack key, my mind might have been sharper and I wouldn't have been following so close! I've eaten a little moose and the meat is good for you, but sometimes a little gamey and dry. I suggest a teriyaki and garlic marinade first. Jesse Tinsley |
Auntie Nancy
593 Posts |
Posted - 02/27/2005 : 04:07:09 AM
Yumm!! Roadkill!! I can't wait to hear the talented among us come up with a rousing slack key song to sing while waiting for this to finish barbecuing!..... never had moose, but wild goat was pretty good out on Lana'i. Only the wealthy could afford beef. auntie |
nancy cook |
Karl Monetti
756 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2005 : 08:55:50 AM
Well, maybe we should have an Alaskan workshop, and i can serve moose to all of you!
Wierdest moose encounter i know of so far, is a guy driving home in mid-winter in his small Toyota pickup. Hits a moose straight on. Miraculously he is not injured (lots of folks die from moose/car encounters). He gets out to see what is left of the moose, see if he can help it, or at least put it out of it's misery. Remember, it is really cold, really dark, and ice fog is hanging about, so visibility is poor. Anyway, after searching all over the road, along the snow banks and behind the vehicle, he cannot find the moose. He checks out the front end of his truck and finds relatively little damage. He hoops in and it even starts! So he drives home, hits the automatic garage door opener and pulls into his garage. He gets out to find the moose, all of it, in his pickup bed. Dead, curled up like it was sleeping. As far as i;m concerned he should have been able to keep it, but he called the paper, word got out, fish & game showed up and confiscated it. Road kill is not "fair game". I cannot imagine anyone trying to hit and kill amoose on purpose just to get themeat, but at any rate, you cannot keep what you run over, or,in this case, under. The meat was salvaged and given to old folks homes, orphanages, etc., so it does not go to waste, the guy had only a few hiundred bucks damage to the truck and a bloody mess in his garage to show for the event. At least he can still talk about it. Wait a minute....wasn't this about tone? Female moose sound off in Eb, but bulls grunt way up at G! |
Karl Frozen North |
`Ilio Nui
826 Posts |
1154 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2005 : 10:44:32 AM
I can't resist this, sorry...
Dusty |
62 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2005 : 10:46:01 AM
Help what??? If this is meant to solve a problem, I think I don't want to know what it is. I last heard this on the Dr. Demento show years ago and I had mercifully forgotten it. I WILL admit there is a little guitar in the from of the MP3 so I suppose there is some justification for its inclusion. Or have you have found a way to play slack key on a moose? If so, are the antlers the tuning knobs? Where exactly do you insert the strings? (Um, on second thought I don't really need to have that information). Oh, wait! You must mean that you use the moose ITSELF as the string! Now the guitar you would stretch a moose out on would have to be really big and strong...
Stringbreaker |
Crazy Man Tuning |
1597 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2005 : 11:00:36 AM
Now I am enlightened!
I finally know what it means to be:
"creatively inspired and visited by the moose"!
Mahope Kākou... ...El Lorenzo de Ondas Sonoras |
Auntie Nancy
593 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2005 : 1:52:42 PM
Hi Karl, gosh, no one has ever wanted to give the 'possum, skunks or 'coons to the old folks... Should we freeze them and send them up? auntie |
nancy cook |
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