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 Recording music with an IPOD?
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928 Posts

Posted - 07/13/2005 :  06:29:54 AM  Show Profile  Visit Konabob's Homepage  Send Konabob an AOL message
I don't own an IPOD - If I knew for sure that I could record live music (my own band - using the line output from our mixer) I might spring for one. Yet it doesn't look promising from most of what I have found on the net.

And yet...I found this at: http://ipod.hackaday.com/entry/1234000147025394/

"apple cripples recording on an ipod so belkin and griffin then have to sell us add-on devices for over $50 that can only record at 8khz, which is all pretty [explative deleted]. apparently (the rumor is) apple does this so people don’t use their ipods to record stuff they think we shouldn’t, like concerts, whatever.

but don’t worry, there’s a way around it and you can record at high quality, all for free.

1. Install Podzilla on your iPod (not all models are supported).
2. Boot in to Linux on your iPod.
3. Go to Extras > Recordings, choose 8,32,44.1,88.2 or 96kHz the higher, the better quality.
4. Record via Line In a microphone or even use your headphones.
5. Boot back in to the normal iPod OS plug in to the doc, grab your files from the iPod in the “Recordings” folder."

Do any of you know of this - or any other way to record CD quality sound using an Ipod?


Konabob's Walkingbass - http://www.konawalkingbass.com
Taropatch Steel - http://www.konaweb.com/konabob/
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=Konabob2+Walkingbass

Edited by - Konabob on 07/13/2005 06:30:50 AM

Auntie Nancy

593 Posts

Posted - 07/14/2005 :  07:33:54 AM  Show Profile
Aloha Bob,
I used an iPod w/ iTalk ($26) at Camp - it's just a tiny thing, but I got all the music that I wanted. this is Not quality for playing, just learning. but you can download from your computer, and then use it to drive speakers anywhere and that sounds as good as CDs. Therefore, your output from your line-output should be very good as well. I'd guess someone in your neighborhood or group owns one, so try it out before you buy it. My guess is that it would work nicely and not lose resolution since you aren't using the other lower-tech devices.

nancy cook
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643 Posts

Posted - 07/15/2005 :  5:06:23 PM  Show Profile
Do any of you know of this - or any other way to record CD quality sound using an Ipod?

Or any other way to get field recordings, of a digital sort? Ones that can then be got into the computer with minimal hassle? The fewer brain cells (not to mention synapses) required the better, in my case :-/

--Jean S
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2187 Posts

Posted - 07/24/2005 :  8:02:14 PM  Show Profile  Visit cpatch's Homepage  Send cpatch an AOL message
Konabob, Podzilla only works on older iPods and from what I've read isn't very reliable for recording. Your best bet for portable recording at the moment is the iRiver iFP-700 or 800 series, which you can pick up for as little as $99 for a model that will give you a couple of hours of recording at 44KHz sample rate, 256Mbps MP3 encoding. Check out this topic:


Rumor has it that the iPod's recording limitations will be lifted at some point in the near future, but given that it was expected to happen with the addition of podcasting support in iTunes 4.9 at the end of June there's no telling when that might happen.

My goal is to be able to play as well as people think I can.

Edited by - cpatch on 07/24/2005 8:04:13 PM
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928 Posts

Posted - 07/24/2005 :  9:39:50 PM  Show Profile  Visit Konabob's Homepage  Send Konabob an AOL message
Craig, thanks for this tip! I think I will actually hold off until this recording limitation is lifted. No point buying old technology! If you hear anything, please post!

Konabob's Walkingbass - http://www.konawalkingbass.com
Taropatch Steel - http://www.konaweb.com/konabob/
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=Konabob2+Walkingbass
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2187 Posts

Posted - 07/25/2005 :  2:06:21 PM  Show Profile  Visit cpatch's Homepage  Send cpatch an AOL message
Actually, the limitation is not in the hardware, it's in the software (firmware is the technical term in this case). Apple could, if they wanted to, release a firmware update tomorrow that would add CD-quality recording functionality to all current iPods. You would just download an installer from the web and run it to update your iPod.

My goal is to be able to play as well as people think I can.

Edited by - cpatch on 07/25/2005 2:07:24 PM
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