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12 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2008 :  08:14:31 AM  Show Profile
Aloha Everyone
This Ivan Ho'opi'i from Oahu
just wana thank andy and his wife
4 this site, really nice 2 met everyone and more 2 come, if u r coming 2 hawaii
give me a ring ALOHA


5052 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2008 :  10:36:09 AM  Show Profile
Is this the Ivan Ho`opi`i who was there in Washington, D.C. and was emcee for the Makaha Sons/Keoki/Herb, Jr. show back in September?

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,
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Mika ele

1493 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2008 :  11:32:46 AM  Show Profile
Same Ivan that was in Oceanside last Week!!!!


Ivan -- you got some licks man!

E nana, e ho'olohe. E pa'a ka waha, e hana ka lima.
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4551 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2008 :  11:33:34 AM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Send Admin an AOL message  Send Admin an ICQ Message  Send Admin a Yahoo! Message
Originally posted by shakabrah

Aloha Everyone
This Ivan Ho'opi'i from Oahu
just wana thank andy and his wife
4 this site, really nice 2 met everyone and more 2 come...

Thanks for your friendship, aloha and hospitality. It took years of phone calls and emails; so glad to have finally met you in person!

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Keoki Kahumoku

93 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2008 :  12:42:38 PM  Show Profile  Visit Keoki Kahumoku's Homepage
Eh, I tink i know you brah? you tall huh? hawaiian? was in DC? oh wait das your bradah? I know you with the secret apples fo catch pigs?
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chunky monkey

1023 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2008 :  2:15:44 PM  Show Profile
Ivan's got a twin bro who lives in (I think) DC
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Posted - 02/18/2008 :  3:00:30 PM  Show Profile  Visit alika207's Homepage  Send alika207 an AOL message  Click to see alika207's MSN Messenger address  Send alika207 a Yahoo! Message
Aloooooooo-haaaaaaaaa! E komo mai!

He kehau ho'oma'ema'e ke aloha.

'Alika / Polinahe
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562 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2008 :  8:55:53 PM  Show Profile  Visit hawaiianmusiclover06's Homepage  Send hawaiianmusiclover06 an AOL message  Click to see hawaiianmusiclover06's MSN Messenger address  Send hawaiianmusiclover06 a Yahoo! Message
Aloha and e komo mai to the Patch! Glad to have you here.

Alana :)

Aloha Kakou, maluhia a me aloha mau loa (Hello everyone, peace and love forever)
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Keoki Kahumoku

93 Posts

Posted - 02/26/2008 :  6:03:49 PM  Show Profile  Visit Keoki Kahumoku's Homepage
tanks for he email bradah! gonna go clean one pig right now caught wit macnuts and apples cuzʻn...
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5052 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2008 :  03:49:26 AM  Show Profile
Hey Keoki - you shoot da pua`a or stick him with a knife or what? Do you hunt 'em with a dog? Do you use every piece da pig? Make souse meat like in West virginia? Blow up da bladder for make one balloon? Make bacon, too? (Got a smoke house?) Make cracklin's? Stinky smell singing the hair off the skin. How you no get trichinosis with no cold weather for to make frost and kill the bugs and worms? Do you catch him and keep him alive for few days to feed special "clean 'em out" foods to make more better for eating?

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,
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1055 Posts

Posted - 02/28/2008 :  4:06:59 PM  Show Profile
Got to feed him that Devil Lye stuff a couple days to clean him out before slaughtering the hog. Guy I worked with told me that. I've heard a pig will eat anything, seems like they would draw the line at Red Devil.

"A master banjo player isn't the person who can pick the most notes.It's the person who can touch the most hearts." Patrick Costello
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398 Posts

Posted - 02/28/2008 :  6:49:13 PM  Show Profile
My side o da islan we get so many pua'a trash the place we no baddah skin um o nothin li dat. We backstrap da buggah- cut um one time down da back an take da loin. Tomorrow get one uddah one.

Seriously, the pigs on our ahupua'a are tearing down the stone work, uprooting the native plants, eating all the hapu'u, cutting the roots of huge ohias and bringing them down, breeding mosquitos in their wallow that kill all the birds, planting waiawi seeds in their rootings, fertilized with their dung. The culture, native ecology, and even the beauty of the forest is being lost. Eradication is our goal, as hopeless as it is. It has been shown in fenced exclosures that you can kill 80% of the pigs each year and there are just as many the next year- but fatter. So we kill as many as we can, and if we feel like pork we backstrap them- the loin is the best part anyway, and it only takes a minute and is easy to carry. The only time I gut a pig any more is when I feel like marinated ribs over charcoal, or if people are around I do an emu.

Still, the pigs get thicker every year in Hamakua. When I was younger the hunters would take horses into the mountains, maybe go a couple days, set up a smoke house and smoke meat and bring it out of the mountains. Hunters these days don't want to leave their pickups- drive slow through the old cane fields and wait for the dogs to bark. Cane company used to eradicate pigs because one pig can eat a lot of cane- on the sly, of course. Now the pigs are rooting up our yards and people are still screaming when someone wants to fence some beautiful remaining patch of native forest so the pigs don't ruin it, even though no one would ever go that far to hunt and the people screaming have never been there.

Well, there I go. I've been a hunter all my life, hanai to Waimanu Jack, a renowned hunter. I am all for hunting to put food on the table, and I have lived off the land for years. But from someone who both loves hunting and loves Hawai'i, Hawaiian culture (hunting is NOT traditional), and the unique ecosystem of Hawai'i, I hope people realize that there are places pigs do not belong. We need to fence and protect those last remaining areas of native forest, get rid of all the feral animals that don't belong there. This will always be a tiny part of the state as a whole, and the pigs can rampage happily through the other 95%. Although I wish it was more like half...

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1105 Posts

Posted - 02/28/2008 :  9:49:31 PM  Show Profile
Well pigs put food on some peopleʻs table. But I agree the pig should be culled to smaller numbers so our forests can survive. All the islands seem to be getting this problem. Whatʻs up with that? Not enough hunters now a days or something?

No'eau, eia au he mea pa'ani wale nō.
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2174 Posts

Posted - 02/29/2008 :  05:55:33 AM  Show Profile
They should "harvest" the ferral pigs, cook them and can the meat to fill food banks. Work for the hunters, the canners and protien for those that want it.
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398 Posts

Posted - 02/29/2008 :  10:14:17 AM  Show Profile
Problem is, it is too hard to get the meat out of these remote places. Sometimes we fly hunters in and meat out for P.R., but the helicopter time costs far more than just buying the pork in a store.

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1526 Posts

Posted - 02/29/2008 :  12:08:32 PM  Show Profile
Chris, there is a business opportunity here, as Kory implied. Like the deer hunting guides on Lana`i - which is kinda upscale due to other factors - or the ram hunting on the Big Island's mountains.

There are *lots* of hunters in the East who can't hunt anymore here, and want to, because of the population density, legal and socio-political issues. For instance, the White Tail population is humongous and increasing exponentially (literally), yet these scrawny wood rats (we also have tree rats and flying rats) can not be hunted. Even attempts at culling on private land have been prevented because of the Bambi lobby. Extraordinary ecological damage is being caused (not to mention all of Andy's landscape plants are being eaten in the most densely human populated county - Essex, NJ - in the US.:-)

Only in VT and ME is there some hunting going on - and is very expensive for flatlanders. And, amazing amounts of money are spent hunting in the other parts, Western, of the country. Why shouldn't some of this money go to Hawaiian guides leading pig hunts? There would be considerable collateral business multipliers as well (all kinds of purchases and services). Thereby helping to establish some sort of ecological as well as economic balance. Boar tusks could be as good a trophy as racks, the meat is really good, and the scenery is incomparable. If trophies are given for big heavy fish, why not establish a trophy (publicity is all that it is) for big heavy pigs?

You might argue that lots of tenderfeet tramping around would be a pain, but would it be as much a pain as those pigs? It could be done in a controlled manner in certain areas at certain times.

No local entrepreneurs? Why should choppers be required if the hunters pay for porters as they do elsewhere? Or cheaper means like mules?


Edited by - Reid on 02/29/2008 12:09:43 PM
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