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4551 Posts |
Posted - 04/24/2008 : 7:09:05 PM
You guys are scaring me too. I cannot bench 200 lbs, but I could eat 200 lbs. Moderate drinker, yes. Eater? No. |
Andy |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2008 : 01:20:12 AM
What about fishing from shore? Are thrre places Paul could do that and we could clean and cook 'em right there? Paul likes to fish. I like it too, if I am catching anything. I no like clean 'em, but I like to eat them. Do they have "visitor" fishing license?
I read in George Kahumoku's book about him catching a bunch of fish Waikiki and was sayaing in a hotel and cleaned the fish in the hotel room and stopped up all the plumbing. And then went try smoke them to save them and fire dept. had to come to hotel. And the fish he caught were in a protected area and got fined lots and lots of kala $$$$. He did all this with Keoki right there. Keoki, dear, glad your Dad taught you what NOT to do. I neva like Paul make same mistake. |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
398 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2008 : 02:36:41 AM
No license needed to fish in salt water in Hawai'i. You just need a license to catch introduced, invasive "weed" species in fresh water. Stupid? No comment...
There are a (very) few marine preserves- you can use hook and line in most; the point is no spear fishing or nets as it scares the fish where tourists like to dive. Marine conservation is a lost art in Hawai'i- they used to have strict kapu to protect the resource, but now it is pretty much just rape as you please and the fish stocks show it.
1105 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2008 : 10:45:59 AM
Since we cannot crush skulls now a days the rules are meaningless. Got more poachers than you can shake a stick at. This is not a racist statement but non native Asians fish to destroy and do not practice conservation. Like they pull limu root and all or they fish with clorox. Kapu in the old days was for Hawaiian people but now Hawaiians have no say. Plus you be lucky if you can catch anything outside the preserves. Stay away from the Ala Wai the fish all lepo o dea! |
No'eau, eia au he mea pa'ani wale nō. |
1799 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2008 : 11:33:19 AM
quote: Originally posted by noeau
Stay away from the Ala Wai the fish all lepo o dea!
I remembah when da Ala Wai was teeming with fish, when da water was clear and aquamarine and you could see large ocean-going fish like ulua swimming around, when my faddah would take us crabbing and we'd catch big tarai tub-fulls of Hawaiian, haole, and Samoan crabs, and I remembah da Filipino and Pake mullet fishermen who used to sit and fish from their wooden sawhorse contraptions all day in da sun wearing hats dat reminded me of opihi shells...
braddah jay
235 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2008 : 12:27:49 PM
Oh braddah ed,I mean sir,I mean uncle thats a long time ago. Around da time downtown river by aala park had boats with lanterns for ride on?If you sit and watch early in da evening just before da sun goes down you'll see big kind(mullets) jumping out of da water.Nobody fishing...too bad.People still crabbing,crazy.Aloha from one rascal buggah. |
1799 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2008 : 7:17:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by braddah jay
Oh braddah ed,I mean sir,I mean uncle thats a long time ago.
Eh neyamine, boy! Watchu teenk you doing? Hacome you neva peeck up da dog kukae yet like you sapose to aftah skoo? And go rake and burn da leafs too while you at it! Gunfunnit keed.
Eh boy, befo you do all dat, go bring me one mo beeyah...
braddah jay
235 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2008 : 7:34:27 PM
Braddah ed what you psychic or what?Did do dat afta school,and da neighbas yard for $5 a week.I thought I was stylin yeah right.Damn St.Bernard was huge needed one wheel barrel to pick up all da kukae.Wat uncle you ready fo one mo beeyah?No worries I stay dryin da aku right now.You like?Lemme know.Aloha from da rascal buggah   |
136 Posts |
Posted - 04/25/2008 : 9:04:34 PM
No can beat Chinatown, anyday! When I go Kailua from Diamond Head, I check for white corn, avocados, papayas and apple-banana in Waimanalo (Eh, no scared; go'fo'm). Sometimes the Kailua (Liberty House; oops, gone) flea market get ono kaukau. I do the Aloha Stadium for fish hooks and sometimes get kaukau; not often. I like the natural food place on University-King, ly dat (Good Earth Natural Foods, I tink, is da name?). Aunty Pasta get veggie. For sit-down chow, go/call that natural foods place and ask em, coz get kuka pyla veggie & India & mid east (coucous, grape leaves, tofu-kine-stuff like tempia, etc.). Just geeev em, Sistah.
You can also go da Food Court in Ala Moana Center, den mix-&-match...ala carte!
459 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2008 : 01:49:45 AM
quote: Originally posted by JimC
If you are in the Kailua area there is a farmers market on Tues evening in the Longs parking lot. Happens rain or shine
There is also one every Thursday morning in the parking lot of Kailua Field behind the fire station. |
Aloha, John A. |
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