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5052 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2008 : 08:24:29 AM
These Iz videos I stumbled over really give chicken skin. There are some great ones of Bobby Moderow, as well. Plenty good stuff this week. Enjoy -----
You Tube – Week of 27 Apr 08 – oh my – very emotional – Iz singing Kaleohano, Makaha Sons coming on stage to join him, Keali`iReichel in the audience with tears streaming down his face. If this doesn’t get you crying, I don’t know what will. Iz at the Hawaiian Music Awards show making a heartfelt, emotional plea to Hawaiian people to take responsibility. At the end you see the Makaha Sons hugging Iz. This is when they made up after the breakup.
Ku`uipo Kumukahi & Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame Serenaders from Night Time w/Andy Bumatai -
Our Taro Patch friend and all ‘round swell, generous guy – none other than Doug Fitch…ta-da! Three videos, all lovely. Can’t wait to give you our aloha when we come O`ahu, Doug, and thanks for posting these great musics. Next best thing to being there. Love for a Lifetime is so beautiful, as is the accompanying hula.
Here are a few selections posted by Zippychip2005. I think he must be related to our Taro Patch friend, Haole Boy. Is he your son, Bob? Great music. Very mellow.
Bobby Moderow and his flying fingers on Pakele Live: Ku’u Lei Awapuhi - Koke`e - And my very favorite – no one can do it like Bobby – Sanoe Radio Hula - Wai o ke Aniani – A tribute to Uncle Raymond, his kumu -
Steve Zuwala - a live performance of his number one single "Toes in the Sand" with Grammy winner John Keawe on the Slack Key Guitar, Hoku winner Brittni Paiva on the Ukulele and the Country Knights band. I never heard this before, but it is not bad. I guess he must be one of those “modern” country
Layne Luna & Santana Gentry – Slack Key Hilo Style - Very nice.
Uncle Bill Tapia’s 100th Birthday Concert – a bit of talk story & practice before the show -
Alvin Okami – KoAloha `Ukulele – some talk story and some wai maka -
Gordon Mark gives a longer ukulele lesson
An aspiring Hawaiian singer doing Ho`ohaehae -
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
Edited by - wcerto on 04/26/2008 11:52:28 AM |
850 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2008 : 2:10:37 PM
zippychip2005 is me Wanda! Hey, two days aint all that bad considering no one told you the video's were out there! Just for my own amusement I was laying low like a snake in the grass, wondering if you would find me. I figured there was a good chance I could pass under your radar. But nope! You busted me right away! LOL
Bob |
Edited by - RWD on 04/26/2008 2:13:30 PM |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2008 : 2:52:40 PM
Bob - That is you? I thought you were in your mid 50's. That ain't no 50+ dude on those videos! That is some young stud muffin!
But seriously, the music is so very nice. And remember, you can run but you can't hide. Auntie will find you. I just have a radar for good music, that's all. I never find any crappy music.
Everyone - watch the very last one shown above -- of Ho`ohaehae. It just makes me feel good! A glimpse of the future. That is one dad that knows how to raise his keiki. |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
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