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928 Posts

Posted - 11/22/2008 :  8:42:41 PM  Show Profile  Visit Konabob's Homepage  Send Konabob an AOL message
Man... Ken Emerson has the perfect mix of edgy and nahenahe...

I don't know why it took me this long to find this on YouTube, but
here he is...



Konabob's Walkingbass - http://www.konawalkingbass.com
Taropatch Steel - http://www.konaweb.com/konabob/
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=Konabob2+Walkingbass


115 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2008 :  9:06:09 PM  Show Profile
Mahalo for the post. I am happy to see Ken Emerson close up playing. Looks like he's using a bullet bar?

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1511 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2008 :  06:26:16 AM  Show Profile
Originally posted by jmk

Mahalo for the post. I am happy to see Ken Emerson close up playing. Looks like he's using a bullet bar?

Yep. Most steelers use a bullet of one size or another. The Stevens Steel is used mostly by Bluegrass Dobroists because they lift the bar a lot to get the necessary melodic runs. I use a Jerry Byrd Dunlop steel or one of my old 40's steels - brass, coated with Bakelite or some other 40's material. Ken is a faublous old time steeler, IMHO.

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928 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2008 :  07:01:16 AM  Show Profile  Visit Konabob's Homepage  Send Konabob an AOL message
Yes, Ken uses a bullet. He dropped it several years ago while playing my Superior, and the tail end landed on the surface of my guitar. So I now have his "signature".

I occasionally us a bullet, but more commonly use a Shubb SP-2 which has a rounded nose (like a bullet) but is grooved like a Stevens. So it is less likely
to fly out of your hand.

I have also watched (dumbfounded) while Ken has performed here in Kona using:
1) A Hard Rock Jello Shooter Glass and
2) a small lamp (no, I am not kidding).
Just goes to show. It is not the kind of bar you use, but how you use what you have. Hmmmm... sounds like something I heard in a locker room many years ago...
don't even go there.


Konabob's Walkingbass - http://www.konawalkingbass.com
Taropatch Steel - http://www.konaweb.com/konabob/
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=Konabob2+Walkingbass

Edited by - Konabob on 11/26/2008 07:03:46 AM
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1628 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2008 :  09:08:59 AM  Show Profile  Visit Mark's Homepage
I have also watched (dumbfounded) while Ken has performed here in Kona using:
1) A Hard Rock Jello Shooter Glass and

Ah, the old barroom bar glass trick!

You can also get a rise out of the punters by using a beer bottle... even better of you are playing standup bottle neck style. Play a lick & take a swig.

And, for the ultimate in cheap-shot showmanship: sidle up to the mic stand and use it as a bottleneck.

Boy, I miss playing rock and/or roll.
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1511 Posts

Posted - 11/27/2008 :  09:11:33 AM  Show Profile
Originally posted by Mark

I have also watched (dumbfounded) while Ken has performed here in Kona using:
1) A Hard Rock Jello Shooter Glass and

Ah, the old barroom bar glass trick!

You can also get a rise out of the punters by using a beer bottle... even better of you are playing standup bottle neck style. Play a lick & take a swig.

And, for the ultimate in cheap-shot showmanship: sidle up to the mic stand and use it as a bottleneck.

Boy, I miss playing rock and/or roll.

Back in my pedal steel days, using a beer bottle was a standard trick. I'd play "Steel Guitar Rag" with it. I learned the trick from Ralph Mooney, who started the West Coast Steel style, played for Buck Owens and Waylon Jennings and wrote "Crazy Arms" for Ray Price. Not bad, eh?

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2174 Posts

Posted - 11/29/2008 :  07:03:40 AM  Show Profile
I saw a guy play buttonbox with a beerbottle. It's good to know how to multitask.
Neeej gave me a Shubb SP-2. It's a great transition from Bluegrass. The rounded nose lets you do slants.
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