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122 Posts |
Posted - 04/04/2009 : 2:53:31 PM
We have Atlantic-side TPers spread from at least central VA up into Maine, across northern NY state and into Ohio. Most seem to be in the general NY-DC corridor.
Wouldn't it be great to get together over a weekend this summer? My thinking is to travel to the venue Friday night or Saturday morning, spend Saturday afternoon/evening as a group, stay Saturday night, and do something Sunday morning - even if only a group breakfast - before heading home Sunday afternoon. That's negotiable.
Here are some questions that come to my mind, but there are most likely more and better ones that I haven't thought of. My answers and thoughts are in blue.
Where are you and how far are you willing to travel? I'm in south-central PA and willing to travel pretty much anywhere between DC, NYC and Pittsburgh, or even slightly beyond; call it 5-6 hours.
When would be a good time for you? My only known conflicts are June 20/21 and Aug 15/16.
What kind of activities would you like? Kani, class/workshop, ho'ike, food.
Are you willing & able to lead a class/workshop? No, I lack both the knowledge and the skill for that.
Should class/workshop leaders be paid? I would very much prefer simply sharing knowledge, but I think that paying for materials would be the right thing to do.
Do you have any experience coordinating this sort of thing? None, but willing to try and wide open to suggestions.
Do you want each of us to bring our own food & beverage, have a few volunteers bring food & beverage (and everyone else kick in kala to reimburse them), or arrange to have it prepared there? No real preference.
Do you prefer an indoor venue or outdoor? Indoor so we're not at the mercy of the weather. This would probably mean a fee which we should all share. Maybe we could get a group rate on rooms & meeting room at a hotel.
How many people in your party? Two.
Travel, lodging and any outside meals would be at our individual expense, but what is your limit on what you are willing and/or able to contribute to defray shared costs - catered meals, meeting room, park rental, etc? Please feel free to email me privately on this one if you prefer. All answers will be held in confidence.
What have I forgotten? Well, I wouldn't know I guess.
Even though the main audience here is Taro Patch East Coast, the invitation is also open to Taro Patch West Coast, 360-degree Coast, and No Coast folks who may find themselves in the area. Also, feel free to share this with Hawaiian music & culture fans who are not TPers. Maybe we can convert them.
MÄlama pono Ben |
28 Posts |
Posted - 04/05/2009 : 3:33:44 PM
I like it. Susan and I like to go tent camping, and this could be one possible idea for a venue. I know the weather is a factor but then some campgrounds have pavillions like the one we're going to over Memorial Day weekend in Maryland.
Daryl |
4551 Posts |
Posted - 04/06/2009 : 04:06:48 AM
I love it. Will get my answers together soon. |
Andy |
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