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347 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2009 : 4:25:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by guitarded
quote: Originally posted by Peshkwe
Here are the lyrics:
Hawaiian tunes in old slack key
Makes perfect sense now without da ear wax. Mahalo.
+1 Thanks for the clarification |
135 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2009 : 4:37:14 PM
Thanks for sharing the video.
Amazing collection of talent sharing the same stage.... Hey the boyz gotta bust loose every once and a while.
Congratulations to them all. |
271 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2009 : 09:08:59 AM
Just found this thread, so I thought I'd put my two cents. My good friend Michi took me to the Hoku's this year for my birthday, so I was there in person, sweating like crazy along with all the other musicians and guests. It was my first time, so I don't know what things were like in the past. The theme for the event was "Unity", and Peshkwe was right on the money. Pali was going for mix of sound with each performance. I was thinking that "Slack Key Kings" was referring to Milton and Cris Lau, who were part of this performance (Milton on keyboard, and Cris on bass). All the performances that night were going for something "different", and they purposely placed musicians of different styles together. Kalei plays contemporary style on ukulele, Uncle Donny and Uncle Walt play very traditional music, they were put together, etc.
Everyone had a good time, and I think Pali was pleased with the outcome. Being at the event was really cool for this mom of three musical children. But I must say, my most precious memories of the evening were visiting with Uncle Donny before and after the show, and sitting with Uncle Led and his 'ohana at Rum Fire after the event. I have so much respect for those two gentleman.
Aloha, Lanet |
50 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2009 : 11:07:23 AM
Here's the K5 site with clips from the show:
There was mention about it being rebroadcast this Saturday at 10:30pm HST(4am Eastern, but I don't know if it'll be streamed again as well.
And yeah, Pali was happy with the way it turned out but was majorly stressing up until the night before set-ups and sound checks. In fact he wasn't worrying about whether he was gonna win anything because he was sure they weren't gonna get a thing...HA! PSYCH!!! |
Russell Letson
504 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2009 : 11:36:25 AM
quote: Originally posted by Mark
Gee, remind anyone of the "Gypsy Kings?"
Actually, a slightly smoothed-out version of Santana.
64 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2009 : 5:28:36 PM
Aloha All,
SLOWLY recovering from the Hokus.. :) Mahalo for tuning in folks! I had a lot of fun jamming with the boys, and Kalei G. did an awesome job! Donald's "Sweet Wahine" is in Am opening tuning. Donald is indeed a great ki ho`alu player for those that know him. My original song, Keli`i Slack Key was the intro/outro music during the Hokus.. (open G) plus a nashville tuned guitar as well.
In regards to the Slack Key Kings.. I think I mentioned this in another, older post. None of the artists on there think they/we're kings (as I have a song on there too). Milton Lau has his own naming scheme, and I think he was going for a Gypsy Kings kind of approach to it. Donald also mentioned "Ledward" and "Cyril" who, in my opinion, would definitely qualify for "king" status :)
In putting the show together, we needed a balance of performances, songs, types of music/pace/tempo, and they opted to perform that song and asked me to join in as well. And I agree, it's Santana'ish.
For those that went or watched the show, I hope you enjoyed it.. I've already been asked what's up for next year.. I aint touching that one with a 50ft pole, not yet anyways.
Lanet, SO nice seeing you there, how are the keiki? We'd love to have the kids back on Pakele soon!!! |
64 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2009 : 5:30:26 PM
Also, LOVED Amy, Ledward's and Mike Kaawa's performance. I know in the house mix, Mike's guitar was super soft, a line problem I believe (I think the only audio glitch that night). On the TV mix, he's fine. DJ Pratt (of Kalapana fame) did the TV mix.
Ledward and Mike should be SO proud to have won the Favorite Entertainer of the Year award... they so deserve it. |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2009 : 11:12:49 PM
Pali - we know what an enormous task you had and we thank you for taking on such a kuleana.
And don't forget -- our Taro Patch Braddah, Doug Fitch was there, too.
Just remember that plenty of folks are hungry, hungry, hungry for "old style" slack key, and there appear to be less and less of it in the islands and more and more of it on the West Coast. (and none of it on the north coast like Cleveland.)
People sometimes make the mistake of thinking that traditions need to be reinvented, updated, made new. But sometimes people want the pure, sweet, nahenahe old kine. There is a reason that it became a unique Hawaiian tradition.
Please do not think I am taking pot shots at what you worked so tirelessly for at the awards ceremony. I am not. But on the other hand, I can understand why people would have heard the name "Slack Key Kings" or read it on the TV web sitte and clicked on the video expecting to hear something completely different. For those who could not stay awake long rnough to watch the live streaming, and watched videos afterard, perhaps not seeing and hearing things in the order they happened or at the time they happened resulted in not picking up on all the nuances.
Once again, thank you for an enormous task well done. |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
64 Posts |
Posted - 06/12/2009 : 02:02:48 AM
Aloha Wanda,
Yes! I saw braddah Doug there! looking sharp...
True-good points. I think much could be avoided by having a different name then "Slack Key Kings" ; ) Much could be avoided by using Milton's crazy naming scheme.. IMHO. heh heh. |
432 Posts |
Posted - 06/12/2009 : 06:50:57 AM
quote: Originally posted by Uhini "Ona
I pretty sure I was watching the right guys, but at tonight's Na Hoku Hanohano awards, there was a group calling themselves the "Slack Key Kings" that performed. However, they never sound a bit like Ki Ho'alu; tuning was Pseudo, music sounded like rock/jazz, and just never feel like Hawaiian music. Was just wondering what other people thought/felt and if I was even listing to the right guys. 
Which of the 9 guys on stage was playing slack key? Maybe it was the horn player playing in slack lip? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think “Slack Key Kings” are an actual musical group but rather a gathering of some of the artists on Milton and Chris Lau’s “Slack Key Kings, Vol. II” album.
Without any judgment on the quality of the musicianship or the commendable production of the awards program, IMHO the song they played wasn’t slack key, and it’s unfortunate they were introduced as the “Slack Key Kings.” I think this just adds to the confusion of what slack key is, particularly when this clip’s association with the “prestigious” Hokus will be watched via the Internet by people all over the world.
Is it a stretch to think that "they" were using the Hoku stage to increase awareness of the “Slack Key Kings” brand franchise in order to sell more of the current “Slack Key Kings” albums, and of course the yet-to-come volumes 3, 4, 5, . . . ? This shouldn’t be a surprise since aren’t the HARAs really a trade association designed to sell more of the trade association members’ products?
Instead, how cool would it have been if the “Slack Key Kings” actually had a bunch of guitarists playing more traditional slack key (a dying art) and passing the pa’anis around like the legendary Pahinui gatherings in Waimanalo, or the early 1990s slack key festivals (produced by the same Milton Lau) when Sonny Chillingworth was joined on stage with friends/haumana (including Ozzie Kotani, George Kuo, and even George Winston)? They could have included young slackers (e.g., Danny Carvalho, Brittni Paiva) sharing the stage with the older artists to encourage/reinforce how the slack key tradition can be enjoyed and passed on across generations. Ah, but alas, these suggestions probably wouldn’t be exciting enough to keep the T.V. audience engaged.
To me, the integrity of the Hawaiian slack key tradition MUST start in Hawaii. Trade association or not, the powers-that-be, particularly those who have access to or control the media, should have a greater awareness, sensitivity, and sense of responsibility for how slack key is portrayed, perceived, and carried on.
Aloha, Doug
Edited by - PearlCityBoy on 06/12/2009 07:49:45 AM |
358 Posts |
Posted - 06/12/2009 : 07:50:24 AM
They were, successfully, trying to be different. It was good but not slack key. The name of the group is presumtious. If they are the kings of slack key, why play a piece at a prestigeious event that sounds latin and has, if anything, a very little semblense to slack key. Kings should exhibit prowress and leadership in what they represent. Again, I think they wanted to show another side of their abilities as musician. To me it seemed like a loose jam session. Also, I hate albums with names like kings and masters of... Who gives such distinctions to these guys. The slack key masters album a few years ago only has one master on it. |
Stay Tuned... |
50 Posts |
Posted - 06/12/2009 : 08:09:54 AM
An explanation of what was going on is given by one of the 9 guys is four post above yours.
I personally think Pali get plenty sensitivity to the music of Hawaii as one of the "powers that be" otherwise he'd have never gotten the Pakele Live shows and stream going in the first place. |
1628 Posts |
Posted - 06/12/2009 : 08:12:47 AM
quote: Also, I hate albums with names like kings...
A quick trip around the google-verse yielded groups or albums named:
Gypsy Kings (but you knew that) Salsa Kings Cumbia Kings Kumbia Kings(!) Flamenco Kings Le Roi de La Bossa Nova Rhythm Kings Los Reyes de la Musica Ranchera Bollywood Kings Kings of Reggae Ragga Kings (same thing, only different...) Hip-Hop Kings Dub Kings Blues Kings Kings of Blues Kings of Bluegrass and, my personal favorite... The Folk Kings
Maybe it's just me, but I notice a pattern here.

850 Posts |
Posted - 06/12/2009 : 08:17:35 AM
For what it is worth I am iritated with the name too. The spanish music was played well but you have to also like shreding and I don't. I thought it was all very shameful to be honest. |
Bob |
50 Posts |
Posted - 06/12/2009 : 08:28:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by Haole_Boy
For what it is worth I am iritated with the name too. The spanish music was played well but you have to also like shreding and I don't. I thought it was all very shameful to be honest.
All Shameful??? The whole show?
You sure 'bout that?
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