I'm checking back into this website. It's been a while but I've been continually playing my slack key guitar over the years. Can't stop playing guitar. Would like to learn and improve on my slack key playing. Would be nice to jam with others to get better. Like Ledward Kaapana says "jus press". I enjoy playing Hawaiian music using taropatch tuning, drop C wahine, and standard tuning. Most of the slack key that I play, I learned from tablature from books and from classes that I took many years ago from Ozzie Kotani and Lance Takamiya at U of Hawaii non credit classes. It's been fun and still is.
I'm an Ozzie disciple and I live in Honolulu too. I have a good sized circle of kiho'alu playing friends. We definitely need to get together. I live right next to the Liliha Times Supermarket. Email me at "dukedomingo58 @ yahoo.com" or friend me on FB under Duke Domingo so we can work out the details to meet up. I also teach & through the generousity of Oz, have access to all his tabs if I want it.
Hey Duke, Thank you for the Aloha. I'll get in touch with you with your email. Hopefully we can make some music together. Should be fun. I'm always looking for opportunities with other musicians to improve on my guitar playing. Also looking for opportunities to perform. That would be fun too. One goal for me would be to play in the Waimanalo Kanikapila. That would be awesome! Ronald