Almost daily, I click through to get to, which has more than 2800 Hawaiian music cds listed today. But today when I clicked through, I noticed that I got a different kind of Amazon home page than I usually do, which made me begin to wonder how Amazon keeps track of our clicks through so that taropatch gets what it's due. That's probably none of my business.
What I was really looking for is more music from or information about Uji Oma'oma'o, whose 2006 double cd of slack key on the obscure (to me) Northquest Records/Allegro label I enjoy. Whoever he or she really is plays "ukulele, Fender bass" on Mark Nelson's "Water Is Wide" cd on which "Sum Dum Goi" plays percussion. So I'm curious about who Uji Oma'oma'o really is, as well as Sum Dum Goi (Is that on the menu at McCully Chop Suey?).