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 Landeza, Yamanaka and Waipuna at Club Fox
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Posted - 12/13/2014 :  7:27:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What a great show! (Thursday, December 11, 2014)

Opened with Patrick (in his cook's attire) announcing the music (and food).
Patrick then talked about the special location (which used to be the "little fox") and the old 'Ailanna Fabric and Paradise Juice and Coffee Bar that used to be next door, and where he got started performing. Then several good tunes well played and sung by Patrick along with Chris Lau on bass. Apparently Chris had helped prepare food as well (what dedication!).

Then Mark Yamanaka came on and blew us away with his falsetto.
After the first song he announced it was the last leo ki'eki'e for the evening (with a sly grin).
He got a lot funnier as the evening progressed (really)!
This first exposure to Mark live revealed him to be a genuinely warm and funny man, an exceptional guitar stylist (easily able to play convincing slack-key in standard tuning) and the best male falsetto I have heard since Dennis Pavao. (and I am not being overly complementary here!)
He even took good advantage of some of the "environmental sounds" at the venue as comedy material (need I say more?).

Next came Waipuna and these guys were simply wonderful. David Kamakahi is integrating wonderfully, having joined the group a few years ago, and contributed many great Uke solos and also led several songs as well, some honoring his father Dennis. Kale Hannahs played bass and did a lot of the talking. Kale was another funny guy, for instance- announcing "Nani Ka'ala" as "the lawyer song" (which I figured out was because the chorus goes "lai la lai lai" and lawyers "lie la lie lie").

Of course a few Christmas numbers were thrown into the sets by everyone and the guys all got together and did pa'ani and falsetto "competition" on a song or two near the end.

And I want to mention that the sound system was well-tuned and exceptionally manipulated by the soundman to present a very clear and beautiful sound all evening. Far beyond the normal quality at live venues I.M.(not so) H.O.

A hui hou...

Mahope Kākou...
...El Lorenzo de Ondas Sonoras

Edited by - Lawrence on 12/14/2014 06:15:10 AM
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