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1597 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2015 :  5:28:26 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I finally made my first YouTube post.

It is some hand-held video footage of the 2013 Hula Performance at the Maui Arts and Culture Center (MACC) by students and staff of George Kahumoku's Slack Key and Ukulele (and Culture) Workshop.

It is worth noting that this was Dennis Kamakahi's last time as an instructor at the workshop and he passed away not long after. He is also the lead presenter & vocalist for this performance.

It was pretty tiring to hand-hold the camera (over my head in this case) for the entire performance! The audio was recorded separately and needed to be synced with the video which was not too hard to do, but finding a decent (and cheap) Video Editor that did not reduce the video quality too greatly was (and continues to be) a challenge.

Here is the link to the YouTube vid:



Mahope Kākou...
...El Lorenzo de Ondas Sonoras

Edited by - Lawrence on 05/30/2015 06:03:32 AM

Fran Guidry

1580 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2015 :  06:14:29 AM  Show Profile  Visit Fran Guidry's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Have you tried the video functions in REAPER? If you're doing audio sync and simple trimming it can do the job and with the FFmpeg library very high quality rendering is available. No effects, no transitions, no titling though.


E ho`okani pila kakou ma Kaleponi
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1597 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2015 :  08:17:07 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Yes Fran, thanks for the suggestion. For this video I probably could have used Reaper, but I do not know how the titles and credits with transitions would have worked. I was going to wait till Reaper Version 5 is fully released to dive into the Reaper Video stuff.

For some other vids I am working on, I am doing lots of transitions and titles, etc, so I have been "trying out" two very different tools. One is Power Director (on Windows) and the other is OpenShot (on Linux). Power Director is easy to use but Mediocre in results. I am impressed with OpenShot (free & which I am using via a Live DVD boot of AVLinux) so far, except that it keeps crashing and I have not been able to do the titling and credit stuff yet. I believe that OpenShot uses FFMpeg as it's engine as well, and produces pretty good video quality, but I do not yet have a "proper" Linux Box set up. At some point I will probably set up a dual-boot situation.

So Yes, I will try out Reaper Video shortly. Reaper has been my standard audio DAW platform since version 1.00. I still am looking for a semi-decent, relatively cheap, low loss video editor that does not require "online activation". (Power Director does require online activation of some of it's codecs, which is a very definite negative for me). In addition, I cannot set it to 30FPS for the video rate, when I choose 30fps for the project rate (from their very small menu of frame rates), it actually sets the project frame rate to 29.97fps and then complains that the camera rate (which is a TRUE 30fps) does not match the project rate! And when the camera rate and project rate do not match Power Director WILL NOT do low-loss video rendering (SVRT). (What stupidity!). OpenShot does not have this problem as I can set the output (project) frame rate to 30, 29.97, 29.967 or any of dozens of other popular frame rates.


Mahope Kākou...
...El Lorenzo de Ondas Sonoras

Edited by - Lawrence on 04/12/2015 07:49:25 AM
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