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181 Posts |
Posted - 09/12/2015 : 02:17:38 AM
A week and a half ago, I was lucky enough to share some ki ho'alu, and in the process give my Mum some much needed pleasure.
Mum was in intensive care in hospital, sadly dying from cancer. We had received the call saying that she only had a few days to live, so we rushed up to see her (about a five hour drive), and I took my Ovation guitar with me. I played for her twice - once in the afternoon, which was sadly interrupted by the medical staff needing to talk with her, and again that evening.
I will always cherish the memory of my mother laying in her bed, gently waving her hand as though she was conducting while I played Molehu for her. She really enjoyed me playing and when I played again for her in the evening, she called a couple of the nurses in, so they could listen as well. Even though I flubbed a few notes in the pieces due to nerves, there were smiles all round, and Mum's cousins - who were visiting with Mum in the evening - are apparently still talking about it.
Sadly, Mum passed away a week ago. But I will be forever grateful that I had the opportunity to share some aloha with her before she died. I know she loved and appreciated it as well.
(As an aside, my Mum requested that no one wear black at her funeral, so my brothers and I - along with my Dad and my two older kids - all went along wearing brightly coloured aloha shirts. I think Mum would have loved the idea. )
On behalf of Mum, I'd like to extend a huge mahalo to everyone who has shared their knowledge of ki ho'alu, particularly Ozzie Kotani and Mark Kailana Nelson (whose books and videos have been my main source of learning). You've all let me - a complete haole from Australia - the chance to learn and express my love for my mother through it and it means a great deal to me.
Geoff - g'day from Canberra, Australia. |
11 Posts |
Posted - 09/12/2015 : 08:45:09 AM
So sorry for your loss, nobody loves us quite like our mom. So wonderful that you got to share some aloha with her.
1597 Posts |
Posted - 09/12/2015 : 08:54:05 AM
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Sorry your Mum passed away, hope she was not in too much pain.
I am sure it brought her some comfort to hear you play as you have said.
My mom passed away some time ago, and my dad has been dead a long time.
Ozzie has been my main Slack-Key teacher since 1995, somewhat intermittently.
Mahope Kākou... ...El Lorenzo de Ondas Sonoras |
4551 Posts |
Posted - 09/14/2015 : 03:30:25 AM
Thanks for sharing your heartfelt story. So glad to read about the joy of music that you and your mother shared. Sympathy and condolences to your family. |
Andy |
57 Posts |
Posted - 09/16/2015 : 4:58:17 PM
Being able to share your music with your Mum is a priceless gift. Sorry to hear of her passing but warms my heart to hear how she enjoyed it. Ki ho'alu keeps me grounded and connected to my island home even though I now live 4500 miles away. |
46 Posts |
Posted - 10/15/2015 : 08:42:51 AM
Dear Eynowd,
I'm sorry to be so late in writing in reply to your post. I am touched that you played "Molehu" for your Mom and honored that my book along with Mark's helped you along in learning slack key. You are very welcome and your kind message of gratitude is deeply appreciated. Sometimes, music can reach out and express our love and heartfelt emotions in a way words cannot. I'm so glad you shared your slack key with your mother - it was special because no one else could have played it as beautifully for her...nobody. I hope ki ho`alu will be with you for a lifetime.
Warmest Aloha Always,
Ozzie |
Ozzie |
181 Posts |
Posted - 10/18/2015 : 12:16:55 AM
Thanks to everyone here for their kind words; I really appreciate them all.
Ozzie, I plan on ki ho'alu staying with me for the rest of my life. I really enjoy playing it and have no plans to stop. I even introduced a guy to it this afternoon, who had never heard of it before, and wondered what it sounded like. We were jamming together, so I retuned my guitar to Taropatch and played a couple of tunes for him :) |
Geoff - g'day from Canberra, Australia. |
46 Posts |
Posted - 11/09/2015 : 4:25:09 PM
It is wonderful that you share your slack key Eynowd and I hope I can support you in some way down the road. I'll play and study the rest of my life too! Hope to meet you should you ever visit Oahu. Again, my heartfelt condolence on the great loss of your Mum - with deepest sympathy. |
Ozzie |
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