I am not worthy! I am not worthy! What an incredible and unforgettable experience to be on stage at Kapi'olani Bandstand. Huge mahalos to donkaulia for sharing his precious stage time with me. Amazing.
Nice pics Andy, congrats on getting on stage at the big event!
I remember Don Kaulia very graciously hosted an open-mic at the Blue Marlin at Maalaea Harbor on Maui for a few years. We used to meet there for "After-Workshop Dinner" after the Annual Slack-Key festival which occurred after George Kahumoku's workshop. Don had a regular gig there and he would give up his time and run the mixer for those of us who wanted to perform. We would usually buy him a nice dinner in appreciation.
Don moved to Mokupuni Nui, the ownership of the Blue Marlin changed and things are different now, but Don's kindness is still remembered.