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 No Slack Key at Honolulu Airport
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Fran Guidry

1580 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2016 :  3:14:39 PM  Show Profile  Visit Fran Guidry's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Led has played guitar and `ukulele at airports around the world for years, but apparently it's illegal in the state of Hawai`i.



E ho`okani pila kakou ma Kaleponi
Slack Key Guitar in California - www.kaleponi.com
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1511 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2016 :  6:26:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What a bummer that a national (and Hawaiian) treasure can't entertain us while we wait for our flights!

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141 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2016 :  06:33:30 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Put da "pila" back in "Kanikapila"
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1597 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2016 :  05:54:46 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Of course the law makes sense as you read it. Especially the part where it includes incense burning as part of the prohibition.

Anyone who was "assaulted" by the very noisy and incense smelling Hare Krishna fundraising people who used to populate Airports will recognize why the law was passed. I had more than one group shove a Bhagavad Gita book in my face and demand that I buy it from them. All the while making a hell of a racket with horns and bells.

So of course, once such a law is in place, there must be equal application. Which is a Pity!

Mahope Kākou...
...El Lorenzo de Ondas Sonoras
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Fran Guidry

1580 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2016 :  08:19:04 AM  Show Profile  Visit Fran Guidry's Homepage  Reply with Quote
My sweetheart points out that the law as quoted gives no exception for "authorized" performances, amplifiers, dances, chants, etc. Which makes airport management guilty of countless violations of the law.

Some locals have said that the specific security officer is known for his lack of flexibility. He was described by some as having a relationship to a sharp poke with a pin.


E ho`okani pila kakou ma Kaleponi
Slack Key Guitar in California - www.kaleponi.com
Slack Key on YouTube
Homebrewed Music Blog
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530 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2016 :  09:07:22 AM  Show Profile  Visit Earl's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Last time we went through HNL there were two different groups playing Hawaiian music and dancing hula, complete with portable PA, and apparently with the blessing of airport management. It added a delightful ambiance to our layover.

[rant on] This whole episode is just another example of airports being designated and dedicated "no common sense" zones these days. I fly less and less with every passing year. In fact my personal goal is to NEVER get on a commercial airliner again, for either personal or business, even if that means I won't be able to make AMC or other music camps going forward. [rant off] My wife is scuba diving in the Caribbean this week with a friend. I love to scuba dive, but not enough to get on that flight.
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513 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2016 :  8:19:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When I came back from 4 years in country in '72, a Hairy Krishna Puke spit on my face when I arrived at LAX. A really old dude in a wheelchair wearing a WWii baseball cap wheeled down and beat that Hairy Krishna punk down to a bloody pulp with his cane. I saluted the crippled WWII vet and he saluted me back. Hare Krishna punks killed slack key and 'ukulele at airports, that's historical fact! Ric

It's easier to ask for forgiveness, than permission!
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