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 D Wahine Tuning
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27 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2016 :  09:19:14 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
After years of practicing slack key, I am just now discovering D Wahine. D-A-D-F#-A-C#. Stumbled across this tuning on Sonny Lim's "Malie". And again recently on Ledward's "Mokupuni Nui" capoed on the 2nd fret. This is why I'll always consider myself a student of Ki ho 'alu because you can never stop learning in this style.

Anyone have D Wahine in their repertoire? If so which compositions?

Mahalo Always\m/

ka loku mele kaona


530 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2016 :  10:04:18 AM  Show Profile  Visit Earl's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I don't have anything in that tuning - yet. But it is only one note different than Open D, in which I do play several tunes (not slack key). I should do some investigating. Whenever I learn something in a new tuning, I try to pick up a several songs in that tuning, just to make it worthwhile to re-tune.

I like your "forever a student" comment. I certainly do not have enough lifetime remaining to learn everything I'd like to learn. I was studying ragtime and country blues pretty thoroughly, at least until Mark Nelson introduced me to slack-key. That opened my eyes to a new world of tunings and playing styles that were previously an unknown.
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27 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2016 :  2:46:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the reply Earl. I try to learn a few songs when I come across a new tuning as well. I know very little about ragtime but apparently there is some similarity between slack key and that style. I saw Sonny Lim perform a piece called "Pau Hana Rag" when I lived in Hawaii. I believe he played it in Atta's C tuning. So little time, too many tunings, Hahahaha!

ka loku mele kaona
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2175 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2016 :  08:02:50 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
One of the first attempts at slack key was D Wahine. I've figured out some tunes, "Ulupalakua" and a few others. Good capoed up on the 7th fret to play 2nd in G.
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Fran Guidry

1580 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2016 :  08:51:07 AM  Show Profile  Visit Fran Guidry's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I've been keeping a guitar in D Wahine for a few years now, sneaking in a few minutes here and there trying to grok the tuning, and things have started to come together a little bit. Here's "Salomila" from about a year ago:


I've figured out versions of "Silver Threads," "Koke`e," and "Pupu A O `Ewa" as well.

Uncle Ray Kane did one song in this tuning, "Nani Ho'omana'o" on his Dancing Cat "Punahele" CD and demonstrates it on a DVD. Uncle Leonard Kwan used the tuning as well on several tunes. And Ozzie Kotani played several pieces in D Wahine on his "Ho`ohihi" CD.


E ho`okani pila kakou ma Kaleponi
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27 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2016 :  4:57:25 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the responses. Fran I don't remember being formally introduced, however, I know we've jammed together in Waimea Valley. Those were the days...

ka loku mele kaona

Edited by - justinalderfer on 06/09/2016 4:58:29 PM
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993 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2016 :  5:40:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yikes!!! This thread is almost a month old & I'm only seeing it now. Wassup Justin? How you my bruddah? Miss you much.

Try contacting Ozzie for some tabs in D Wahine. I remember grabbing some from him but can't remember what songs. I never got into that tuning because you needed to re-tune to many strings if you're moving from Taropatch to D Wahine. Now that I think back on it, I should have studied the tuning more because I play a few Olomana tunes in Open D (capoed up to E) and the difference of the 2 tunings is just a 1/2 step on the High E string. I don't play the tuning but below is my 2 cents worth mana'o.

Generally speaking, "Wahine" tunings are what Peter Medeiros referred to as "Ho'o pa'a" tunings. This meant that strummed open the tuning doesn't formed a true chord. You have to fret a string in order for it to complete the chord. In this case your "Resolve" is on your 1st string, 1st fret. Purpose of these tunings is to simplify the fretting & put most of the fretting in the 1st position. In theory, anything you play in Open D, you play play in D Wahine by just compensating for the bottom string that is lowered 1/2 step.

My best tip for you is that strings 2 through 6 in Open D & D Wahine tunings have the same string relationship as strings 1 through 5 on Taropatch tuning. So anything you play in Taropatch, you can play in Open or D Wahine if you move everything one string up. (Play it on strings 2 thru 5)

Hope the above helps

Warmest Aloha

Hoof Hearted?...Was it you Stu Pedaso?
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993 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2016 :  5:18:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
BTW Hau'oli la hanau, Justin. Hope you're having a great one my bruddah.

Hoof Hearted?...Was it you Stu Pedaso?
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