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 Ki Ho Alu Christmas Songbook.
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94 Posts

Posted - 10/20/2022 :  10:56:51 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just ran across the songbook that you T Pach veterans put out around 2010. A big Mahalo to you guys.

Sometimes it's fun to go back and read all the threads and see what was going on back then.

Ron Leach

chunky monkey

1025 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2022 :  06:42:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"In the beginning" (maybe 2003 or 2004), The TP folks produced CDs of "our" collected works. I think Andy orchestrated the whole thing and I can't remember who compiled the collection, including liner notes and cut the discs (maybe Sarah Whitaker was involved). I think the first year only one CD was the result, but the second pass yielded more, maybe 3. Everyone contributed and it was lots of fun listening to the masses that populated the TP then. I still have the collections somewhere. Boy! did I struggle in 2003.

Edited by - chunky monkey on 10/21/2022 06:44:40 AM
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98 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2022 :  07:14:48 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I joined way too late :( missed all this fun
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94 Posts

Posted - 10/22/2022 :  07:57:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I didnt know about the CDs. What a time back then with so much involvement.

Ron Leach
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2176 Posts

Posted - 10/22/2022 :  09:30:28 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Back in the day before FB, real discussions, tunes, challenges, recipes, long dialogues in Hawaiian Pidgin (much to the chagrin of some who maintained that it didn't represent "Hawaiian Culture" - said opinion makers being ignored in the traditional way) - such were what we left behind as the possibilities of the interweb were scalloped away by the suits. Suits have their place, but let us have ours.....
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533 Posts

Posted - 10/23/2022 :  05:04:33 AM  Show Profile  Visit Earl's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I discovered slack key thanks to Mark Nelson, who was headlining at a 2003 summer solstice festival in remote Seldovia, Alaska where we also played. He did a Saturday workshop for ki hoalu, and I've been hooked ever since. Imagine that - learning Hawaiian slack key in a village off the road system in Alaska....

I don't recall exactly when I joined up here, but it was probably after our first Aloha Music Camp in February 2006. I too missed out on the CD project. Taropatch allowed me to find a kindred spirit here in Idaho and we created a ukulele group together in 2008. Sadly, both of us have moved on from that group now, and it is withering away.

There was a lot more activity on this forum before FB siphoned off so many bodies.
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141 Posts

Posted - 10/23/2022 :  06:57:07 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, I'm still here....

Put da "pila" back in "Kanikapila"
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533 Posts

Posted - 10/23/2022 :  3:33:58 PM  Show Profile  Visit Earl's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Me too, Maliko. I browse through here several times a week, but I tend to not start threads very often, and respond to threads that pop up only when I have something somewhat relevant to say.

Hard to believe I've been around slack key for almost 20 years now. I really should be a much better player than I am. There is a bookshelf with all kinds of instructional materials - CD's, DVD's, and even some fairly rare books. I just need to muster the motivation and discipline to work through them. "Easier said than done".
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2176 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2022 :  2:14:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Eh, gangee! Check with Aunty Neeej, now the 4th "Kuki Book" is done!
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94 Posts

Posted - 11/10/2022 :  05:28:24 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
BTW.. What is is the 4th Kuki Book ?

Ron Leach
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533 Posts

Posted - 11/12/2022 :  05:25:58 AM  Show Profile  Visit Earl's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Da Kuki Book is a collection of Hawaiian songs assembled by Kuki, a long time member of Neeej's kanikapila group there in Seattle. It has been a labor of love over the last several years, and is essentially a more extensive version of the He Mele song book. I've seen the first three of them at her jams when we can make it over there (a nine hour drive) on the right days for her kani's. Dr. Kuki passed away last year IIRC, but I got to meet him several times at Neeej's house.

If you reach out to Neeej you can buy a copy. She sometimes keeps a few copies on hand for sale, but I think they print them on demand. I don't know if she can sell PDF versions or not.
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94 Posts

Posted - 11/14/2022 :  05:15:25 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Earl. Im really glad you guys keep posting and responding. I started learning Slack Key through Mark Nelson too about two years ago. I've gotten through about 50% of his lessons and intersperse them with DVDs by John Keawe, Ozzie, and Led, and the songs and lessons on Jeff Peterson's site. I'm going to start attending Jeff's Saturday on line lessons next. Mahalo again you guys

Ron Leach
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