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40 Posts |
Posted - 01/23/2004 : 11:22:35 PM
Now it sure seems like I had seen Hal Kinnaman's book mentioned here before, but having just come across a copy in the Hawai'i Public library, and not seeing it currently listed on TaroPatch, it seemed like a good idea to mention it again. The book is not large, but contains a few tabs including 'Ulupalakua. The complexity of the tunes is way beyond my level, so I can't comment beyond the fact that it exists, call number YA H 787.6.
This also brings up a refinement of the "support the artist" question: if a book is in the library, is it OK to use that source without compensating the artist? A person could claim that this practice is a little like buying one copy and then circulating it to all your friends.
E holo mua Bill |
1635 Posts |
Posted - 01/24/2004 : 01:18:35 AM
Library copies have traditionally come under "fair use." The issue becomes more complex when it comes to xeroxing from library use. The law seems to state that it is a violation to copy the whole work. Fair use typically didctates that you can copy a "portion" for your own non-commercial use. - when it comes to legal stuff all of that gets very difficult to nail down.
In terms of the "moral" aspect - which is an individual decision - my way of dealing with it is: if it is no longer in print and there doesn't seem to be plans to reprint it, I will copy it for myself. If it is in print and but I don't want the whole thing, I will copy one or two songs. At this point in my life I'm making a decent amount of money, so I can afford to buy copies of sheet music.
Raymond San Jose |
2187 Posts |
Posted - 01/24/2004 : 01:51:23 AM
In a case like this, where the book is out of print but the artist is still alive it would seem like the easiest thing to do would be to contact the artist and ask him if he'd be OK with you making a copy. Maybe offer to send him a few bucks. I've done that with several OOP works, including this one. You can contact Hal at hal @ ... ask him about the tabs to his CD Revery while you're at it. |
Craig My goal is to be able to play as well as people think I can. |
40 Posts |
Posted - 01/25/2004 : 01:26:06 AM
Mahalo Raymond and Craig,
You know, the "fair use" concept sounds a lot like what our librarian at Sonoma State University told me about print and other media. When we teach a class and need a photo, diagram or audio/video, she says that we can copy a small portion for use without violating a copyright, as long as it is for non-commercial purposes. So I would guess there is certainly no problem with using copyrighted tabs for the two weeks they are checked out and then return them to the library. In terms of copying and keeping a song, I guess it depends on who has the better lawyer. I have seen university classes where entire songs, plays and movies were copied and played for educational purposes. And a forum like TaroPatch, though not accredited, seems to be at just as sincere in its educational mission, and a lot less pecuniary than most colleges.
Maybe publishers in the future could include an email whereby users could contact the artist and offer to donate a few dollars for the privilege of making a copy of OOP material.
I am just about to buy Ray Kane's video, and it would be great if I could send him a little extra and also obtain some of his out of print tabs. But then maybe the artist would incur the wrath of the former publisher by doing so. I will ask.
By the way, are you guys playing Hal's tabbed songs? He is pretty dense with the numbers and lines, not exactly like lesson one in the beginner's book.
Bill Healdsburg |
E holo mua Bill |
2187 Posts |
Posted - 01/25/2004 : 12:48:21 PM
I'm currently learning Ki Ho`alu Lele from a tab Hal provided with his Revery CD when I ordered it from him. It doesn't have the problem that you mention is inherent in his first book. Personally, any time I learn a new song where the tab is hard to read I enter it into a program like TablEdit and then print out a more readable version.
As far as Ray Kane is concerned, I know that he respects the publisher's copyright and won't make copies. However, I can say that there is a good chance you'll see the tabs for the songs on his video become available sometime later this year. |
Craig My goal is to be able to play as well as people think I can. |
40 Posts |
Posted - 01/26/2004 : 12:42:21 AM
Thanks once again. Tablature for Raymond Kane songs would be so nice. We all ought to nana, ho 'olohe and ho 'opili, but until then, cold nights on the mainland are a lot nicer with written guidance. Best wishes with Lele. Hope to hear it some time.
Bill Healdsburg |
E holo mua Bill |
2187 Posts |
Posted - 01/29/2004 : 02:58:11 AM
Thanks Bill. (BTW, it's not me doing the tab for Uncle Ray.)
Hey Raymond...I just noticed you reached `Olu `olu status...welcome to the club! |
Craig My goal is to be able to play as well as people think I can. |
1635 Posts |
Posted - 01/29/2004 : 12:40:27 PM
Craig, Mahalo nui, I guess some people jusdt can't keep their mouths shut for long, Raymond |
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