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2187 Posts

Posted - 10/22/2004 :  12:48:06 PM  Show Profile  Visit cpatch's Homepage  Send cpatch an AOL message  Reply with Quote

While not directly related to slack key, with the recent discussions on TaroPatch.net about recording I thought this DVD might be of interest. It is taught by Roger McGuinn, founder and frontman for the Byrds, and targeted at recording beginners. From the publisher's description:

"On this DVD, Roger shares what he has learned about making CDs with beginners who would like to make their own home recordings this way. Using his compelling song "May the Road Rise" (co-written with his wife, Camilla McGuinn) as an example, he replicates the process by which he records a song from conception to final product. He demonstrates, step-by-step, how he lays down the basic tracks, overdubs his vocals, adds harmonies and guitar riffs, doubles the parts and comes up with a complete recording with his trademark vocal and guitar sound. Finally, you1ll see how Roger mixes the result to a two-track stereo file and burns it to a CD."

You can find more information along with a video sample here:


I have not had a chance to watch it so this is an announcement rather than a review. Please post a review if you have seen it. Mahalo!

My goal is to be able to play as well as people think I can.

Edited by - cpatch on 10/22/2004 1:14:03 PM


1597 Posts

Posted - 10/25/2004 :  10:13:20 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Hey Craig - I checked it out.

Played back one of the example videos. Looks pretty good.
He really does seem to be able to make it "less threatening"
to do this D.I.Y. recording. Two Things I immediately noticed:

1) He uses Adobe Audition for his video examples (though
he DOES try to remain generic with respect to what
needs to be done).

2) Although he uses a small inexpensive notebook computer,
he clearly puts lots of money into his microphone(s).
This is as it should be, because the weakest link in
the technical quality chain IS the mike, followed by
the preamp/digitizer. The room/acoustic space is
actually more important, but is not part of the
electronic /technical gear, and most folks will be
recording at home, whatever that space is like.

Mahope Kākou...
...El Lorenzo de Ondas Sonoras
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