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1154 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2005 : 2:40:58 PM
Has anyone else seen this video by David X. Lee, made in 2003? It requires special equipment and glasses to view it in 3D. However it has a 2D version in the DVD viewable in any player. It has scenes of Hawai`i shown over and interspersed with interviews and songs with George Kuo, Kaipo Manoa, Ray & Elodia Kane, Peter Medeiros (whose name they misspelled), Like O'Sullivan, Clay Kit-Kao, Lani, Marla & Friends and the Parker Ranch Sunday Players. It runs 73 minutes.
The scenes with Ray and Elodia are real treasures.
Dusty |
Edited by - wdf on 06/10/2005 2:41:24 PM |
4551 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2005 : 3:40:53 PM
Heya Dusty,
You beat me to it. FYI, David (dxlee38) registered at last year. I only learned about his video a couple weeks ago.
It's a real unique offering with the option to be viewed in 3D. For more info visit: |
Andy |
1154 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2005 : 4:12:13 PM
Yeah, the first I heard of it was from an ebay auction a week or two ago. I think I got the last one from Amazon (through Taropatch, of course ). |
Dusty |
1154 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2005 : 5:55:49 PM
Actually, dxlee38 joined 2 years ago (5/9/2003). I wonder if this is a result of his master's thesis (that he spoke of in his post back then). |
Dusty |
4551 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2005 : 7:04:38 PM
Okay, I do not know what year we are in! Indeed. You are correct. And you're right that David's post came early in the project.quote: David X. Lee wrote: "This unique DVD is alternating-field encoded for stereoscopic viewing and a must-have for all 3D buffs. The documentary examines the current state of Slack Key guitar playing in scenic Hawaii. Interviews with both home-grown players, professional musicians, and music professors help explain the history of this guitar style. Many traditional songs are played against a backdrop of Hawaiian beauty. Contains a 2D version for regular play."
You could link to the company web page:
That way people can see the QT music clip and look at the DVD jacket. I suppose I should try and get it distributed in the islands.
This started out as my master's project (which I finished last year). I signed up on to see if I could make some contacts before I came over. And someone directed me to Ray and Elodia Kane--who were willing to be interviewed. So that's the connection with taropatch anyway. It all worked out great.
Andy |
1154 Posts |
Posted - 07/16/2005 : 3:27:49 PM
For the record, Amazon has a few more in stock. |
Dusty |
Mika ele
1493 Posts |
Posted - 08/01/2005 : 08:25:59 AM
Just got my copy in the mail and watched it (2D only). In it one of the Pahinui boys plays "The Water is Wide" - the old traditional folks song. I am trying to learn it from the video. Anyone know what tuning he is using? Which one of the Pahinui boys is it, Cyril? |
E nana, e ho'olohe. E pa'a ka waha, e hana ka lima. |
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