One thing that should be pointed out before you buy these is that they the videos are in Macromedia Flash format, and can only be viewed online (ideally with a broadband connection). In addition, and as a slow learner I strongly disagree with this approach, for the $9.95 cost of these videos you are only renting online access to them for a 6-week period that starts immediately when you pay for them (so don't sign up until you're ready to start practicing!). After 6 weeks the user name and password you use to access the videos expire, although you do get to keep the downloadable tablature.
The production quality of the videos is excellent and Keola takes his time with the instruction. For $9.95 a song, however, there is no reason not to provide a downloadable version that the player gets to keep as a reference and there are certainly ways to do so while still protecting against illegal copying. (Which I assume is why he chose this approach.)
Craig My goal is to be able to play as well as people think I can.