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 Slack Key Instruction
 (non-instructional): Ki ho`alu - That's Slack Key
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4551 Posts

Posted - 02/24/2002 :  2:44:59 PM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Send Admin an AOL message  Send Admin an ICQ Message  Send Admin a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote

Fran Guidry

1581 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2002 :  3:06:57 PM  Show Profile  Visit Fran Guidry's Homepage  Reply with Quote
It's taken me a (relatively) long time to break down and order this. I'm almost glad I waited until I could appreciate it. Little moments like Uncle Ray talking about getting his hand slapped at school for speaking Hawaiian and his head slapped at home for speaking English had Lynn and I howling (haoleing??).

I've watched it twice in the past 12 hours, and I'll probably watch it a couple more times this weekend. A much better expenditure of $20 than most movies I've seen in the theater in the last year.


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290 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2002 :  3:56:29 PM  Show Profile  Visit kihoalukid's Homepage  Reply with Quote
:the hawaiian way: is also a good non instructional video on slack key, hosted by eddie kamae.

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4551 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2002 :  01:36:46 AM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Send Admin an AOL message  Send Admin an ICQ Message  Send Admin a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
:the hawaiian way: is also a good non instructional video on slack key, hosted by eddie kamae.

Where can one find this video? I tried mailing a letter to Eddie Kamae about a year ago but never heard back. Maybe I should try again?

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1526 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2002 :  12:15:42 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
All of Eddie Kamae's videos seem to be out of print. I would love to have the whole set - which we saw at David and Kitty's. They are all superb. It was particular fun to see the young George Kuo and Dennis Kamakahi. Of course, there was much more to it, as well. I think they would sell like gangbusters if reissued, but he seems more interested in forging ahead - he and his wife recently showed a new movie, but I don't think it has made it to tape yet.


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290 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2002 :  7:41:28 PM  Show Profile  Visit kihoalukid's Homepage  Reply with Quote
didnt realize that it was no longer available, if thats the case this is probably of no help, but for whats its worth, info on the video case is ...hawaii sons inc, po box 8230, honolulu, hi. 96830

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67 Posts

Posted - 08/26/2002 :  1:17:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Try give Bishop museum a call. (808) 848-4158

They sometimes have videos that may have gone out of print or are hard to find.

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2187 Posts

Posted - 01/01/2003 :  10:07:35 PM  Show Profile  Visit cpatch's Homepage  Send cpatch an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Getting back to Ki ho`alu That's Slack Key Guitar, this is definitely a must-have video for all slack key players. While the video focuses on Uncle Ray, it also features such legendary players as Leonard Kwan, Sonny Chillingworth, Ledward Ka`apana, and many more. Try and watch this all the way through without getting the urge to pick up your guitar!

My goal is to be able to play as well as people think I can.
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4551 Posts

Posted - 05/27/2005 :  09:12:37 AM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Send Admin an AOL message  Send Admin an ICQ Message  Send Admin a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Auntie Maria had posted this elsewhere. I'm just moving it here. -Admin

Originally posted by Auntie Maria

After months of sleuthing, I've discovered the horrible truth -- further production of this wonderful film has been discontinued. Arrrrrrrgggggggh!

It was produced by a professor at UC Santa Cruz, via an assemblage of grants. Grant money has run out; the professor has gone on to other interests...so if you've got this treasured video, treat it well.

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553 Posts

Posted - 05/27/2005 :  11:54:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Okay, I'll go.

Kinda of a homey, rambling selection of some heavy hitters. Lots of information on Ray Kane including footage of his home, concerts, and dancing with the aunties!

Overall I enjoyed this. The music, especially from the opening piece is pretty memorable. It's kinda like a slice of someones life living in Hawaii. They just happen to play guitar.

Some of the concert footage is as downhome and humble as can be. Lots of folks sitting around on the floor of a gym watching people play guitar. Kinda like real life.

This was made in the early 90's sometime. It looked like it was supposed to have the reverent look of a 'serious study' of a lost art form. I think it succeded in that the look of the film comes across as much more 'real' than the authors may have intended.

It looks like the director went out of their way to show the 'humble' side of folks eating lunch on the picnic table, and of them playing to crowds at state fairs, and in school gyms. Fact is, it really is kinda like that in real life ...so there! Again, I don't know if it was intended or not.

I think this is worth having. If nothing else, it isnt a video aimed at middle aged white men who'd rather discuss Ozzie's finger positions on measure 17, page 34, and the correct way to copy it exactly. Etc. ad nauseaum.

Its just about the music

I'll lend it in VHS form to anyone on this forum who'd like to view it.

my Poodle is smarter than your honor student
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4551 Posts

Posted - 10/11/2005 :  03:45:13 AM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Send Admin an AOL message  Send Admin an ICQ Message  Send Admin a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
This video has been released on DVD. Visit http://guitarvideos.com/dvd/13039dvd.htm

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1154 Posts

Posted - 10/26/2005 :  05:17:06 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have seen the DVD and it is a gem! It contains two wonderful bonuses. There is a (too small) collection of still photos from the making of the video and a bonus video of Ray Kane in Washington in 1987, receiving his endowment for the arts award. It has footage of him playing and talking about slack key. In it, he plays punahele sweeter than I've ever heard him play.

The conversion from VHS to DVD is excellent. This is a real treasure!!

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Mika ele

1493 Posts

Posted - 10/26/2005 :  07:39:56 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There are some great shots of Sonny playing with a sewing needle bouncing on the strings - priceless. And I just want to be able to play the opening vamp to Hawaiian Rough Riders just once - YEEEE HAAAA!

E nana, e ho'olohe. E pa'a ka waha, e hana ka lima.
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2187 Posts

Posted - 10/26/2005 :  08:17:00 AM  Show Profile  Visit cpatch's Homepage  Send cpatch an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I wholeheartedly agree with Dusty...a worthwhile replacement for the video if you already own it and even more of a must-have if you don't.

For those who don't care about DVD, I'll give my copy of the video to the first person to reply below!

My goal is to be able to play as well as people think I can.

Edited by - cpatch on 10/26/2005 08:19:01 AM
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Karl Monetti

756 Posts

Posted - 12/20/2005 :  5:17:40 PM  Show Profile  Visit Karl Monetti's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Don't often get this far down the menu soi just noticed this thread. What cught my eye was the title, including the words "non-instructional"
I would offer that any time you can watch someone play anythng on guitar it is instructional. Especially if you have your own guitar out while watching. Get in open G, capo up or just barre frets up and down the neck until you find what key the performer is playing in. Chances are you will be just a step or two off, or maybe a little flat or sharp with respect to the performer. Find the key, tune to him, and watch what he does. Heck, i go to concerts and sit in the front row or take bincoulars to find out what tunings and/or licks a guy is playing. Found out after thirty years that Tom Rush plays a lot of hsi stuff in open C! Why didn't i think of that?
Picked out several of Kottke's tunes the same way, both from live and video performance. If yo have any kind of ear, get that axe off the wall and try to play along with anybody. As i may have posted earlier somewhere else, John Keawe's video (sorry i forget the name ibut it is him guiding us all around the island playing a number of songs) is extremely instructional. You can learn to play every tune on there just by watching.
On the first look at Uncle Raymond's video i picked up that tune he ws teaching the young boy to play. Never have found out the name, but it was easy to figure out just by watchin.
I understand not all of us learn the ame way, but for thoe who can "hear" the music, it is a great way to learn and not have to rely on tab
Good pickin'

Frozen North
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84 Posts

Posted - 01/24/2006 :  12:28:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Do you still have the video? I'd love to see it!

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