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 Aloha came to Cleveland
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Posted - 01/19/2010 :  2:37:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The northeast Ohio area was very fortunate to have a bit of Hawaiian culture and aloha for the fifth consecutive year in the form of the North Coast Hula Workshop. For the past four years, Aunty Mapuana de Silva, Kihei de Silva, dancers from the Merrie Monarch award winning Halau Mohala `Ilima and some wonderful musicians such as Chad Takatsugi from the band `Ale`a. In addition, one of the students at the workshop was Amy Ku`uleialoha Stillman. We got to see her genuine real, made just for her Grammy Award, all shiny brass and heavy marble. Auntie will post some pictures of Amy and maybe Unko Paul and Aunty Wanda. If you get the chance, please talk story with Amy. This lady can do it all. And I do not care if you like who she co-produced `Ikena with or not, but you’ve got to appreciate the mele she wrote, if you will take time to listen to them or to just read the lyrics. This was her very first venture at writing mele. The first time she writes mele, she wins a Grammy. You can’t beat that! There will soon be a music book that goes along with the `Ikena recording, with plenty of wala`au. It really is worth getting whenever it is released. She knows so much and Paul and I were both so fortunate to not only share her mana`o but her aloha as well.

Here are a few pictures.

Here is Dan (pittdg here on TP) and our caterer, Ku, getting in a small kine jam. Ku has a restaurant about 60 or so miles east of us that has authentic Hawaiian food. He catered our Friday night dinner with kalua pork and cabbage, rice ball, chicken lu`au, lomi salmon; poke, kimchee, sushi, and it all was ono. When the Ohio weather gets better, Ku wants to have a regular kanikapila at his place, so Unko Paul and I and Dan & Shelly and whoever else we can grad will take the trek to Geneva, OH. Whatchu think of that? A kanikapila going happen in northeast Ohio.

Here is Auntie Wanda, Unko Paul and Grammy winner & all-round swell lady, Amy Ku`uleialoha Stillman. Look what she's holding!! And yes, I look disheveled. We had just finished decorating the stage and I was in the midst of registering the haumana.

Here is Amy. We are so proud of her to be nominated again this year. She could possibly turn out to be our first friend who is a two-time Grammy winner. Oh wait, wait. She's our first friend who is any kind of Grammy winner.

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,

Edited by - wcerto on 01/19/2010 2:43:39 PM


5052 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2010 :  2:48:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In case you are wondering about pics from the actual workshop, well, I can only tell you that nuns and rulers at Catholic school wouldn't scare me a bit. Nuff said.

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,
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