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5052 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 04:27:21 AM
I wanted to watch the baseball game in HD. I decided we should get a new TV, one that gets digital TV and is HD and LED and all those swell modern kinda things that a TV is now days. So I measured the space we have in the entertainment center that would fit the TV. After scouring the Sunday newspaper ads, I sent Paul off to the electronics store along with measurements how how big of a hole would fit a TV. Auwe. Modern TV's are not sized like regular old fashioned TVs. They are not as high and are longer in dimensions. To fit in the same space we had available, he could only get a 26" TV a,d I really wanted something larger than that.
So we decided to get a new entertainment center. This time, we would get one made of real wood instead of that pressed sawdust sorta pseudo-wood. We went to a wonderful store not too far from us that sells only unfinished furniture made out of real wood. You choose the stain and finish you want and they do it for you (for a fee) or you can finish it yourself. We are lazy. We decided to let the experts do it. But it takes 6-8 weeks for them to get your furniture stained and finished. Well, I had been wanted new carpeting for the living room, too. So I figured with the big entertainment center out of the way, we might as well get new carpet. The time was right. So I ordered new carpet. Great service - just a few short days after it was measured, they called that the carpet was in and wanted to schedule installation date. So Paul had to empty all his stuff out of the entertainment center, you know, all those eletrizical components like receiver and DVD player and cassette deck. He tried out the dual cassette deck. Auwe. The little spiindles would not turn. INeither side. Tape deck dead. And we have choke cassettes, too. And then after the entertainment center ws out of there, he had to touch up paint behind where it was because when it was painted, they only painted as far in as they could reach and it had to be touched up. So he brought the yellow paint into the living room and prompty dropped the paint can. Which had a lid on it that ws no secure. Which then puddled in the middle of the living room carpet. Which I had to get down on my hands and knees and scrape up excess and try to clean so cat would not track it all over the rest of the house. So I only got partially grumpy since we were having the carpet replaced any way, instead of having another heart attack when he spilled the paint.
Well, at least the carpet installers are here today.
All I wanted was a TV.
I got all kind of other stuff, laid out a lotta cash for furniture and carpet. And still no TV. Might as well not get it until the new entertainment center comes. And then I gotta call the cable company and get whatever kind of service I have to get to get HD TV.
All because I wanted to watch the baseball games in HD.
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
32 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 04:31:38 AM
Heh heh... loved this story! |
Auntie Maria
1918 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 05:54:23 AM
Funny stuff, Wanda! Guess you don't wanna hear that we just returned our HD box to the cable company after buying the big screen just three months ago?? Neither of us were impressed with HD (and couldn't get used to the stretched-screen images).!  |
Auntie Maria =================== My "Aloha Kaua`i" radio show streams FREE online every Thu & Fri 7-9am (HST) - Kaua`i Community Radio "Like" Aloha Kauai on Facebook, for playlists and news/info about island music and musicians!
227 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 06:00:06 AM
E, that's ok Wanda.
My wife wanted to remove some wallpaper.
We ended up rebuilding the entire house! |
Puna |
4551 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 06:02:19 AM
Don't forget surround sound speakers and upgrading your DVD to Blu-Ray.  |
Andy |
Peter Medeiros
546 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 07:19:55 AM
Dear Princess Pocho, I believe they call this the circle of life. |
188 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 09:11:39 AM
If you want to be ahead, make sure that new HD TV and Blu Ray player will be 3D upgradeable. And if you go 3D and want guests to enjoy don't forget to put out another three "Frankllins" for the extra 3D glasses. |
Should I? Itʻs only $, and where Iʻm going itʻll burn or melt. |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 09:12:05 AM
Dearest Peter: I thought that circle of life thing had something to do with the Lion King, which could be on TV, for which I would need a new TV. Hmmm. its a circle. Ah, now I get it.
Auntie Maria: Then should I keep my old junkie TV? We have one in the basement that is black and white and you have to have a special box to get UHF channels. It is in a swell wooden cabinet that is way larger than the TV.
And Andy, what the heck is blu-ray. I have heard that term frequently but I have no idea what it is. |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
Mika ele
1493 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 09:26:43 AM
One day "my beautiful bride" asked me if I could move the TV from one wall of our small family room to another location. ;-)
I digress for a second here, "my beautiful bride" loves to "move things" not because they are better where they were moved to but because "she can" (I guess). She tells me it is a "girl thing". And, since I live in a sorority (I am the sole male in the house, unless you count the dog, but "he" has been fixed), (I guess) I am doomed to "continual change".
Anyway, I used to go out to sea for USN reserve weekends. After one of those long weekends, full of midnight to zero-four-hundred Combat Information Center watches, I tiredly hit the road and drove back down from Long Beach to San Diego very late one Sunday evening. I might add that it was a "new moon, pitch balck, night". I arrived home after midnight, exhausted, and after all had gone to bed. Being the "nice guy that I am" I decided it was not in my "best interests" to wake anyone up just because I had been gone all weekend so I kept all the lights off. I slowly groped my way to the master bedroom closet by feeling my way along the walls -- I was trying to quietly change out of my uniform (in the dark) and then put my tired old head to the pillow. HOWEVER . . . (unbeknownst to me) my "beautiful bride" had decided to move all the bedroom furniture around while I was gone -- because (I guess) "she can". As I slowly inched from the closet through the master bathroom to the bed, I was rudely knocked in the shins by a storage chest (in the middle of the room) that had never been there before. I stifled a "F%$#ng OUCH" and quickly bent over to rub my bleeding shins only to have a WILD BED FRAME reach up and deliver an "Ultimate Fighting Karate Chop" to my forehead -- just below the hairline. This time I cried out (a little more loudly) in pain and surprise! Which, of course, startled a soundly sleeping "beautiful bride" in my bed, who promptly screamed. Which caused the "neutered male member of the family" to start barking and running around the house. Which caused all the other female members of the household to wake up, turn on the lights, and rush into the Master Bedroom. . . I'm sure the girls were a little distressed to see their almost naked "Daddy" sprawled on the floor, bleeding from the shins and forhead, and writhing in pain. While, at the same time, seeing their "Mommy" standing in bed with the sheets around her neck wondering and screaming what the complaining "sole male member of the household" WAS DOING rolling on the floor and bleeding all over her nice new carpet. . . . (You get the picture?) IT WAS ALL MY FAULT, of course.
Anyway, one fine College Football Saturday morning she asked me to just move the TV from one wall to another. . . For reasons (explained above) I was not motivated to comply.
Well, the wall (where the TV was intentionally placed because of the strategic location of (1) the electrical outlet, (2) the cable TV outlet, and (3) the western sun streaming through the sliding glass doors would not cast a blinding reflection on the TV screen) -- did not allow her to watch TV when she was sitting at the breakfast table. Well, like a dummy, I said no.
That didn't go over well . . . How hard can it be to "just move the TV"? (she says) As if it was an assault on my "sole male member of the household" Manhood. Now I had been challenged and insulted at the same time. Any attempt to explain why it was there in the first place was, to put it simply, not - a - good - answer.
So, after I had made seven different long trips to the not-so-local hardware store for parts I could not find in the garage (that I didn't know I needed until I got to the next step in the process), snaked (with a NEW snake I bought on trip number three) a SPLICED length of NEW (which I bought on trip number four) coaxial cable TV cable under the carpet (which I ripped in the process and repaired with NEW carpet tape bought on trip number five), moved two heavy couches, three chairs, an entertainment center, two tables, countless lamps, (breathe in . . breathe out . . ) and stretched a very long NEW (which I bought on trip number six) electrical extension cord -- WITH NEW surge protector (which I bought on trip number seven) . . . In the process, I learned that -- the VERY LARGE painting on the wall, which had to be moved, and which I never really liked but allowed to hang on the wall because I thought it pleased "my beatiful bride" -- she finally had the courage to tell me she couldn't stand and only allowed it to hang on the wall because she thought it pleased "the sole male member of the household".
Eventually, a very long eventually, missing every single one of the three football games I wanted to watch . . I turned on the TV; in her NEW location; at 11 at night. . . . "My beautiful bride's" comment? . . . . "I don't like it there either". (REALLY, I TRIED to smile)
The Good News is: Now, whenever I am asked to do something that is WAY more complicated than "my beautiful bride" thinks it is - - - - I just say:
E nana, e ho'olohe. E pa'a ka waha, e hana ka lima. |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 09:48:04 AM
Eh, Mike. I am so proud of you. You learned one of married life's most important rules: If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. One other important rule is demonstrated in your story as well...if something bad happens, it was the husband's fault. Like if the hubby goes out of town and the wife is driving somewhere and gets a flat tire, it is the man's fault for not making sure only top notch, safe tires are on the car. Yep, Paul knows how it is to live with only women in the household. Even the dog wa a girl.
The carpet has been installed and it really looks loverly. |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
4551 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 09:51:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by wcerto
And Andy, what the heck is blu-ray. I have heard that term frequently but I have no idea what it is.
Blu-Ray is like high definition DVD. If you do not have a huge screen, it will not make a big difference. |
Andy |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 09:54:09 AM
And Genaro -- ain't no 3 Franklins going be outlayed for no 3D stuff. This already is a great technological leap for us.
Good thing I am not like Ed Begley, Jr. Have to pedal the bike while watching TV to power the generator. Samesame, to run the toaster. Or maybe I should, then I would have to work to watch Judge Mathis and Judge Judy. But then maybe I could watch Paula Deen with impugnity. |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
841 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 12:01:17 PM
Eh Wanda. Never let your possessions possess you. |
"The music of the Hawaiians, the most fascinating in the world, is still in my ears and haunts me sleeping and waking." Mark Twain |
1055 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2010 : 1:00:16 PM
So will all this HD, Blew-Ray stuff make the color picture as good as the black & white picture on the Humphrey Bogart/Cary Grant/Marx Bros./etc movies I watch, while Auntie is on the computer in the other room? Will it make the explosions on Mythbusters more dramatic? 10 years from now, will anyone care? If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, is it still the husband's fault? I'll save that kala for a Hawai`i trip. Unko Paul
"A master banjo player isn't the person who can pick the most notes.It's the person who can touch the most hearts." Patrick Costello |
Edited by - rendesvous1840 on 04/29/2010 1:04:20 PM |
chunky monkey
1023 Posts |
Posted - 04/30/2010 : 10:01:57 AM
Captain, The dog is not the only one in your household whose been "fixed" |
1055 Posts |
Posted - 04/30/2010 : 2:40:37 PM
Fixed? Is that what that HD does? We gotta rethink that stuff. I need a double order of Ahi Poke! Unko Paul |
"A master banjo player isn't the person who can pick the most notes.It's the person who can touch the most hearts." Patrick Costello |
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