Eddie Aikau Foundation The Eddie Aikau Foundation is a charitable organization created to share Eddie Aikau's life, contributions and accomplishments while promoting education & the advancement of Hawaiian culture.
Posted: 05/22/2006 04:37:08 AM | Hits: 2628
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Frets.com Frank Ford's site with lots of useful guitar information/articles.
Posted: 12/27/2005 10:14:48 AM | Hits: 2236
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Hālāwai New York based, Hālāwai's mission is to foster and support a community of individuals who share a common interest in the heritage, culture, history and future of the people of Hawaiʻi and other Pacific Islands. Excellent events calendar and mailing list.
Hawaiian Legacy Foundation Eddie and Myrna Kamae's 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established to help ensure authentic Hawaiian cultural continuity.
Posted: 02/27/2007 7:45:04 PM | Hits: 2335
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Hula Preservation Society Founded in 2000 by Nona Beamer & her hanai daughter Maile Beamer Loo for the purpose of preservation & perpetuation of hula resources.
Posted: 03/05/2006 8:43:21 PM | Hits: 2756
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Slack Key Preservation Society California-based Slack Key Preservation Society is a non-profit, public benefit corporation dedicated to the education & preservation of Hawaiian music & culture.
Posted: 01/20/2006 09:15:27 AM | Hits: 2311
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Slack Key Supply (Japanese only) Jiro Kawami's website perpetuating slack key in Japan & beyond.
Posted: 12/27/2005 09:38:57 AM | Hits: 2134
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