I recently bought an Oahu guitar from an antique dealer but instaed of the norm that I have seen or heard about this one is made out of solid koa and the neck is of mahogany.the tuners are silver plated with bone pegs.It is a Hawaiian lap steel guitar.The plate at the top and the label inside refer to the Honolulu Coservatories and it was designed by F. W.Konkua,Hilo Hawaii.If anyone can help with the value of it or any other information about it ,it will be greatly appreciated,Jack!
Edited by - jack-of diamonds on 09/12/2002
Edited by - jack-of diamonds on 09/14/2002 16:41:12
Congrats on your purchase. I notice you've edited your original post - on the off chance that you haven't stumbeld across this link you might give this guy a try; he seems to be among the most knowlegeble collectors of Oahu guitars: