Sent my wife for go pick up two CD's at Sun Jose Hawaii. "Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Masters Collection volume 2" and "Mahela, My Heart" And no surprise both have Radio Hula, Led in the first and Mahela singing it. I had never heard of Mahela until I heard a sample and then I had to get this CD, her first solo album. Also, while rummaging through my Hawaiian collection found "Duke Kahanamoku presents A Beach Party" from a 1963 recording. You guys recognize these old artists? Waltah Clark, Chick Daniels, Panama, Kalakua, Fat (Abraham Kala), Jimmy Hakuole, Squeeze Kamana, Splash Lyons and of course the great, beloved Duke Kahanamoku. According to the notes - "Duke is heard sending Aloha to his friends all over the world. This is the only time his voice has been recorded." Sounds hard to believe that I have a piece of history, a CD with Duke's voice. Sorry for the ramble, just thought I'd share. Eddie