Menpachi Man
274 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2007 : 8:24:44 PM
eh thumbstruck ... you get 'em brah (you understand!)
too bad, I no stay by you guys, I like jam. Wen I was in Hawaii, we use ta jam fo hours, 12 hours sometime, sun comin up an all, las beer at 6 am. go sleep .. jam some more. Neva care about who play real good, jus prass. Altho, hoooah, some guyz was real good. We try copy em. In time tho, we got good, not performance stage good, but bettah den befo anywayz. But had some guys can play on stage.
I dunno if my phonics is right. Get plenny ways fo talk. Big Isle guys talk funneh kine ... ice shave instead of shave ice ... titters instead of tittahs (or titahs .. i no get uptite about spellin). heh, but to me, all da oddah guys talk funneh kine. Kaapana, he went Pahoa high, close to Keaau whea I use ta live, so I figgah ... jus prass ... eh ... daz (that's) close enough phonics. Wot I sayin is dat, my way of talkin may not be how other locals talk.
But, we no care how you talk, as long as you no sound fake.
I undastand wot oddah guys sayin tho ... some malahini who tryin to learn, you tell em jus press ...dey going say ... What the hell are you talking about .. just press ... you cannot just press .. you got to practice hard ... put in lots of effort. This is not that simple etc etc. You need instructions, good teachers, more effort"
But in Hawaii, da one that I remembah ... da kine, jus prass, easeh brah, etc all had plenty of meanings depending on context and situations. But I gettin to be one ole fut, I see da Hawaii dat I knew dissapearin.
anywayz, ... jus press ... can say some of da following: - go play brah ... no shame if you make mistakes - you gotta play.... you no play, you no get good - eh, no stop wid da mistakes, jus prass, keep on going. you stop, sound mo worst - when playin with better people: watch how da guyz play, den jus press, try copy them to get better - no get uptite brah, jus play nahenahe until you get em, oddah wize you going sound like tite key
probably lots more meanings. some local guyz can probably tell you more, or can tell you that my stuff is not what they mean. Jus remembah, no need to get too down on da phrase. Plenny of us guyz still use it without negative meanings or trying to demean da players we talkin to. But I can see how some guys take offense.
I neva thought too much about it until I read this thread.