Good for someone who doesn't want to deal with the computer at all and doesn't mind spending $400 to duplicate a lot of equipment they probably already have. If you have a computer with a writable CD drive, a turntable, and a regular stereo system then all you need is a $5 cable (and maybe a $30 USB sound input adapter if your computer doesn't have a line-in jack):
Even if you're computer-challenged and it takes you a couple of hours to figure it all out that's the equivalent of paying yourself $200 an hour to learn!
Craig My goal is to be able to play as well as people think I can.
With "Instant Music" ($50.00)from ADS Tech you can convert LP's and cassettes to cd. Google "instant music" to get the link. I'm sure there are lots of other options available, but it's the one I've been using to convert about 200 LP's and cassettes. Don't need a receiver. Just a good turntable (I bought a Dual 506 used for about $100.00)and a small pre amp($30.00).
I bought the "Instant Music" hardware and software(Nero) together from the website works via USB.
"The music of the Hawaiians, the most fascinating in the world, is still in my ears and haunts me sleeping and waking." Mark Twain