I play a minimum of 1 hour before and after I discovered this wonderful site. Nowadays my net surfing is not complete unless I pass by Taropatch to check what everybody is up to!
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Andy The site didn't actually affect my playing time. Well. not exactly true, time I spend here is actually taken from practice time. The value of the site for me is much in feeling part of a community -- this is important for me for two reasons - I don't have the money to attend one of those camps in Hawai'i and 2) I don't really enjoy just strumming the guitar - much more enjoy working up and playing solo instrumentals or worked out arrangements for two or three guitars. With those limitations, the site supplies a much needed social context for me. Raymond San Jose
When I first started learning to play slack key, I thought I was the only one I knew of interested in the music. While playing guitars at Buffalo Bros one day I met another devotee, Bruce Lamb. I also ran across Mark Nelson around that same time at a local festival and discovered this forum shortly afterward. One thing led to another and now we have a So Cal Slack Key society. All of a sudden I'm not alone!