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Pauline Leland
783 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2003 : 6:31:57 PM
Aloha ohana,
(Please correct me if that's the wrong usage.)
I'm looking for suggestions on a fairly easy piece or two for guitar and uke.
A friend of mine is interested in learning a fairly easy bit of slack key for a performance his wife volunteered him for. He's a good fingerstylist and thought he'd use his nylon string for this. His steelies are in DADGAD and such. He's also invited me to join in. I'll go for the uke because I'm running into thumb pain playing the guitar.
I was thinking of something from Ozzie Kotani's book. I also have Keola Beamer's Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar and the Beamer/Mark Nelson Learn to Play Hawaiian Slack-Key Guitar. That'll help my friend.
Now what in the world does the uke do? Chord along? Up the neck to provide some contrast between two nylon string instruments?
Pauline |
923 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2003 : 6:40:41 PM
a uke player can do a lot of different things... do you or your friends sing? with a uke and guitars, you could do hi'ilawe, or wahine 'ilikea, or koke'e... all are fairly simple to learn, and have opportunities for some breaks for the uke or guitar.
[on the salutation, i think that you'd say "aloha e 'ohana", but my hawaiian is gathered from reading lyrics and poking at grammar books. i hope to fix that at the music camp. i'd say "aloha e kaua", which i think is what you were trying to say. if sarah is reading this, i'm sure she can give you more - i'm still confused between "ka" and "he"]
Keith |
Pauline Leland
783 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2003 : 8:12:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by marzullo
...with a uke and guitars, you could do hi'ilawe, or wahine 'ilikea, or koke'e...
Thanks for the reply. Oh, dumb question, those are songs or some kind of styles? Songs I guess, but I'm not sure. If songs, I need to find that list of songs and where they appear in the slack key books. I think singing is out, BTW. My friend claims not to be a singer tho' he's better than he thinks, and I know I'm not. |
Pauline |
923 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2003 : 8:37:04 PM
they're songs. hi'ilawe is an all-time oldie, made popular by gabby pahinui. the other two are by dennis kamakahi and are on his first album. none appear in slack-key books, but they're all pretty easy. you might not think of them as slack key, perhaps, because they're not solo slack key numbers, but then again you're not talking about playing solo. give a listen to dennis' album. i could try to work up tab for hi'ilawe (i'm behind in my tab!)
if this is too ambitious, then you could just take any ol' slack key number, figure out what the chords are, and have the two guitars swap taking lead with the other guitar and the uke playing rhythym. ozzi doesn't give you the chords, but if you choose a number and need help, i'd be happy to work out the chord sequence for you.
aloha, keith
Keith |
Fran Guidry
1580 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2003 : 10:26:30 PM
Pauline, how about "Manuela Boy" from the Ozzie book. If you friend is a fingerstyle player already I think he'll find it fairly easy. There are only two chords, G and D7, so when he's playing the G bass, you play a G chord, when he's playing D bass, you play a D7. You've got a duet.
If you have time to go the next step, can you figure out the (a) melody by ear? Or a counter melody, or a few licks, or whatever, and he can brush through the chords while you play your part, or you can play your part over his slack key.
E ho`okani pila kakou ma Kaleponi Slack Key Guitar in California - Slack Key on YouTube Homebrewed Music Blog |
Pauline Leland
783 Posts |
Posted - 02/24/2003 : 11:30:07 PM
Keith, oops, I don't have that album. Don't have many albums. Thanks for the other ideas, tho. I may need some chord help if I wander from G & D7.
Fran, that's an idea. On a taropatch song with a barre on the 5th, that's C, I think. Right? I'd like to keep the uke in a standard tuning so I don't have to learn too many chord forms. I can pick out a melody, no prob, it's the dang chords that confuse me. Counter melody? Uh, well, uh,...
BTW, I'm talking about Chak. I think you may have heard some of his MP3's over on the AG forums. |
Pauline |
Edited by - Pauline Leland on 02/24/2003 11:34:59 PM |
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