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 The Mele "Pa`ahana"
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5052 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2008 :  08:19:26 AM  Show Profile
Does anyone know about the history of this song and the lady for whom the song was written? It is a mele inoa. According to "He Mele Aloha", it says, "The story is not told as to just why Pa`ahana hid in the mountains in this old song of cruelty. She was capured by a hunter, taken to Manana on O`ahu, and put on exhibit in 1899."

I was wondering about the circumstances. I wonder if she may have had leprosy and hid out in the mountains and then was captured and brought back to the leprosy hosital on O`ahu. The reason I thought that is the part about being put on display. I know from many books I have read that those afflicted with leprosy were made to stand in front of doctors and others, stark naked, to be poked and prodded and snipped and suffer all kinds of indignities.

Or I wonder if she had some deformity which cause her to be put in a side show or something?

It is such a sad and tragic song.

If you want to hear it, it is on Hui Aloha, amongst many others.

He mele he inoa no Pa'ahana
A name song of Pa'ahana
Kaikamahine noho kuahiwi
A young maiden dwelling in the mountains

A na'u i noho aku 'ia Waokele
I was forced to take refuge at Waokele
'Ia uka 'iu'iu o Wahiawa
In the lofty uplands of Wahiawa

O kahi mu'umu'u pili ika 'ili
I fashioned a pullover dress which clung to my body
Oka lau la'i ko'u kapa ia
It was made from leaves of the Ti plant

'Opae 'oeha'a o ke kahawai
The 'oeha'a prawn from the stream
O ka hua o ke kuawa, ka'u ahi 'ia
And the guava fruit I cooked over an open fire

Ha'ina 'ia mai ana ka puana
We tell the refrain
He mele he inoa no Pa'ahana
A name song for Pa'ahana

Translated by Aaron Mahi.

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,

Edited by - wcerto on 04/19/2008 09:05:03 AM


5052 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2008 :  09:52:09 AM  Show Profile
Here are lyrics from www.huapala.org. The lyrics above were from the liner notes of the Hui Aloha albumn. They are a bit different -- all three versions. The one from Dancing Cat, the one from He Mele Aloha and the one from Huapala.

Pa`ahana (Busy) - Traditional

He inoa keia nô Pa`ahana
Kaikamahine noho kuahiwi
Mele he inoa no Pa'ahana

Na`u i noho aku ia wao kele
Ia uka `iu`iu Wahiawa
Mele he inoa no Pa`ahana

`Opae `oeha`a o ke kahawai
`O ka hua o ke kuawa ka`u `ai ia
Mele he inoa no Pa`ahana

Mai kuhi mai `oe ka makuahine
A he pono keia e noho nei
Mele he inoa no Pa`ahana

`O kahi mu`umu`u pili i ka `ili
`O ka lau lâ`î ko'u kapa ia
Mele he inoa no Pa`ahana

Pîlali kukui kau lâ`au
Lau o ke pili ko`u hale ia
Mele he inoa no Pa`ahana

I hume iho au ma ka pûhaka
I nalo iho ho'i kahi hilahila
Mele he inoa no Pa`ahana

I ho`i iho ho`i au e pe`e
`Ike `ê `ia mai e ka `enemi
Mele he inoa no Pa`ahana

Lawa `ia aku au a i Mânana
Mâka`ika`i `ia e ka malihini
Mele he inoa no Pa`ahana

Ha`ina `ia mai ana ka puana
He mele he inoa no Pa`ahana
Mele he inoa nô Pa`ahana
This is a name song for Pa`ahana
The girl who lived in the hills
Namesong for Pa`ahana

I lived in the rain forests in
The distant uplands of Wahiawa
Namesong for Pa`ahana

Clawed shrimps of the streams and
Guava fruits my food
Namesong for Pa`ahana

Don't think about the mother
I live here and am glad
Namesong for Pa`ahana

A single mu`umu`u clings to my skin
My blankets are ti leaves
Namesong for Pa`ahana

Kukui gum on the trees
And pili grass my home
Namesong for Pa`ahana

I bind my loins
And hide my private parts
Namesong for Pa`ahana

I came and hid but was
Seen by the enemy
Namesong for Pa`ahana

I was taken to Manana
And visited by strangers
Namesong for Pa`ahana

Tell the refrain
A song, a name for Pa`ahana
Namesong for Pa`ahana

Source: Na Mele o Hawai'i Nei by Elbert & Mahoe - This hula tells the story of a young girl mistreated by her stepmother. She ran away from home to the hills above Wahiawa where she lived on river shrimp and guava until she was found by a cowboy. She was taken to Manana, the present site of Pearl City.

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,
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