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Fran Guidry

1580 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2003 :  08:21:06 AM  Show Profile  Visit Fran Guidry's Homepage
Even though I've had lots of guitars around the house at various times, I've always staunchly claimed that I'm NOT a collector. (My beloved has often disagreed with me, but that's the topic of another discussion.) Ukuleles, however, are so petite, so adorable, so full of personality, that I'm quite willing to plead guilty to collecting them.

I think no uke collection can be complete without an Islander. For those who didn't get the first copy of the "Ukulele Occasional," these are all plastic except for the tuning machines, but definitely not a toy. They were the creation of luthier/player Mario Macaferri, who went from designing the Selmer guitars that became associated with Django Reinhardt to making his fortune manufacturing plastic clothespins. He designed and produced the Islander in the early 50s after migrating to the US, and sold thousands of them. Many survive today, and they're on Ebay almost continuously.

I waited for one that wasn't cracked, but also wasn't a pure collector's piece. The real deal for real collectors is shiny new mint, with all the packaging and gadgets, but mine is just a functional soprano uke - and it really IS functional. The tone and action is certainly the equal of my 30s Harmony, and the tuning machines, while they look a little cheesie, do their job.

Ukuleles are natural born smile machines, and the Islander is a full fledged member of the family.


E ho`okani pila kakou ma Kaleponi
Slack Key Guitar in California - www.kaleponi.com
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