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9 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2008 :  3:50:00 PM  Show Profile
Does anyone know where I can get the tab for this song.
Led Kaapana plays it on his cd "Black Sand".
I can't stop listening to it. Beautiful.

Surf all morning, slack key all afternoon

`Ilio Nui

826 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2008 :  05:28:41 AM  Show Profile

Welcome to the Patch. You might want to do a Taropatch "Search" on TABs and the policies we have. This topic has been hammered to death.

A good investment would be to pick up a copy of "He Mele Aloha". Also known as the Blue Book. Besides hundreds of songs you can find Koke`e words and chords.

Yes, it's a beautiful song. One of many by Uncle Dennis Kamakahi.


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4551 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2008 :  06:09:43 AM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Send Admin an AOL message  Send Admin an ICQ Message  Send Admin a Yahoo! Message
From the FAQ:
Can I share music and/or tabs here? Does Taropatch.net have a policy on copyrighted materials?

Sorry about the policy.

I love the song. The chord progression (3 chords, I, IV, V) is straight forward. Are you wanting to play an instrumental version or with vocals? I've been listening to Led's live version on the Force of Nature CD. Killer.

If video helps, Led performed Kokeʻe at the Kennedy Center. It's at around 15:00. I think he's in Drop C, capoed up.

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Fran Guidry

1580 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2008 :  07:44:17 AM  Show Profile  Visit Fran Guidry's Homepage
Marty, I'm with you in the version of "Koke`e" Led played on the "Black Sand" CD. I don't have this tune worked out, but I've started taking baby steps with it. I got the tuning, F-Bflat-D-F-A-C, from the Dancing Cat web site, but it's also listed in the liner notes on the CD. This is a very interesting tuning, one that Led created himself. He discovered it as a modification to the Bflat Mauna Loa tuning he learned from Uncle Fred Punahoa.

The interesting thing (to me) about this tuning is that is is similar to taropatch tuning but shifted down the guitar neck. This tuning has the I note on the 5 string and the V note on the 6 string, just like taropatch. The chord forms are the same as taropatch, but they've moved 7 frets down toward the nut.

Hopefully you're familiar with the three G major (or I major) chords in taropatch, all on the 3-2-1 strings:

0-0-0 (all strings open)
4-3-5 (we often play 4-x-5 or 4-0-5)

If we move all these down 7 frets, and loop around at the 12th or octave fret we have these Bflat major chords:

Since these chord shapes are embedded in the "open and closed positions" or harmonized "slack key scale" that means that our familiar taropatch licks on the first and third strings are displaced to this new tuning right along with the chords.

Unfortunately, none of this makes Led's "Koke`e" any easier <grin>. For that, I recommend Audacity!!!! You can download this free audio editor, rip your CD to your hard disk, then select one small portion of the the song at a time and slow it down until you can figure out what those magic fingers are doing. It seems tedious at the start, but with this approach you can learn tunes that have never been tabbed or taught in workshops.


E ho`okani pila kakou ma Kaleponi
Slack Key Guitar in California - www.kaleponi.com
Slack Key on YouTube
Homebrewed Music Blog
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9 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2008 :  08:44:59 AM  Show Profile
Thanks to all for the info.
Fran....that's a lot for me to digest. I'll take little bites.
By the way....I love your treatment of Ka Makani Olu Olu on YouTube.

Surf all morning, slack key all afternoon
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Fran Guidry

1580 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2008 :  1:17:35 PM  Show Profile  Visit Fran Guidry's Homepage
Thanks, Marty. And a big oops on the tuning, I started fooling with this a bit and quickly realized I had read the liner notes too quickly - the tuning on the record is actually one whole step down from the one I described, so it's E-flat A-flat C E-flat G B-flat. I suspect that Led was playing his Santa Cruz signature baritone guitar on this track.

Even though the key is different, the description of the chord shapes is the same, though, they just sound one whole step lower.

For instance, the first few treble notes are played out of the I chord at the fifth fret.

I gotta tell you, this is quite a subtle arrangement, and not one of the easier ones I've ever tried to figure out. But it's always just a matter of bringing lots of patience to task, taking small bites, and not giving up.


E ho`okani pila kakou ma Kaleponi
Slack Key Guitar in California - www.kaleponi.com
Slack Key on YouTube
Homebrewed Music Blog

Edited by - Fran Guidry on 06/18/2008 1:18:53 PM
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4551 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2008 :  4:04:21 PM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Send Admin an AOL message  Send Admin an ICQ Message  Send Admin a Yahoo! Message
Oops, I guess I got the tuning wrong. Thanks for the insight Fran. Iʻll have to pull out Black Sand and give a listen. Is it like the one from the video that I posted?

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Fran Guidry

1580 Posts

Posted - 06/19/2008 :  06:05:27 AM  Show Profile  Visit Fran Guidry's Homepage
Eh, Andy, in live shows Led usually does his vocal arrangement with the yodel, in either C or D, drop C tuning. On "Black Sand" he recorded a very rich and unusual sounding arrangement in his B Flat Wahine tuning down a whole step to A Flat. It's rare to see him do this instrumental version live because it takes so much twisting of the tuning keys.


E ho`okani pila kakou ma Kaleponi
Slack Key Guitar in California - www.kaleponi.com
Slack Key on YouTube
Homebrewed Music Blog

Edited by - Fran Guidry on 06/19/2008 06:06:14 AM
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11 Posts

Posted - 06/24/2008 :  11:38:48 AM  Show Profile
I agree Marty. A great performance of this beautiful song on one of the best slack key records by Dancing Cat. Though I'm kind of a slack key purist, I have to admit that his version on "Led Ka'apana and Friends" with Stuart Duncan on fiddle is quite nice too.
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Fran Guidry

1580 Posts

Posted - 06/25/2008 :  07:48:31 AM  Show Profile  Visit Fran Guidry's Homepage
OK, I have a few more bits of info, hopefully this will help more than hurt. I have to say again, if you want to play this piece note for note as Led does on the "Black Sand" CD, you're in for a lot of work to capture all the subtleties. I'll describe things in the A Flat tuning Led uses on the CD, if you're in B Flat move all the note names up one whole step but use the same fret positions.

It's important to learn the chords to "Koke`e" and when they change - any version in any key will give you the understanding of the structure so you can recognize when chord changes take place, and when bits are added for intro and outro. I think of "Koke`e" as a "IV chord song" because the movement to the IV chord (D Flat in this example) defines and sets the song apart.

I found four basic shapes that outline the piece, with fret positions listed from low string to high:

I chord: A Flat in the first position: 0 0 0 0 1 2
I chord: A Flat at the fifth fret: 0 0 0 0 5 5
IV chord: D Flat at the fifth fret: 5 5 5 5 6 7
V chord: E Flat in the first position: 0 2 1 0 0 0

Led (and other great players) often use their thumb on the 3rd string as part of their "bass" pattern. This is a big part of the sound of this arrangement. The open E flat on the 3rd string works with both the A Flat and E Flat chords.

Hopefully with these chords, the structure of "Koke`e" firmly in your mind, and a few dozen hours of listening to Led, you'll be able to coax this arrangement out of your instrument.


E ho`okani pila kakou ma Kaleponi
Slack Key Guitar in California - www.kaleponi.com
Slack Key on YouTube
Homebrewed Music Blog
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923 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2008 :  05:16:52 AM  Show Profile  Visit marzullo's Homepage  Send marzullo an AOL message
This has nothing to do with Led's moving version of Koke`e, but it is a chance to see that handsome pair, Kona Bob and James, playing Koke`e on the porch of the Lake Residence last New Year's Day. I just came across this clip this morning while pawing around my WWW directory...


i think we were all winding down.


Edited by - marzullo on 08/10/2008 05:25:23 AM
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Fran Guidry

1580 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2008 :  06:05:46 AM  Show Profile  Visit Fran Guidry's Homepage
I've been fooling around with this tune since the original poster asked about it and one day I figured out that the B Flat Wahine tuning Led is using (tuned down to A Flat) is almost the same as drop C (Leonard's C Wahine). The two bass strings are reversed, and the 4th string is one whole step lower in drop C, so the fingering is just a touch different, but it's not too tricky to play "Koke`e" in this style using a familiar tuning.

When I mentioned this to Led he already knew about it (gee, big surprise) but then he threw me for a loop by saying that he'd recorded a similar arrangement in taropatch. Sure enough, if you fool around at the 12th fret you can use similar ideas to outline "Koke`e" in G. Who woulda thunk it?


E ho`okani pila kakou ma Kaleponi
Slack Key Guitar in California - www.kaleponi.com
Slack Key on YouTube
Homebrewed Music Blog
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358 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2008 :  08:21:53 AM  Show Profile  Visit hikabe's Homepage
Whatever open tuning you use proceed as follows. This does not work for standard tuning. You have to come up with an intro and extro. If you come in for a lesson, I could fill in the details. Enjoy.


strum open for 2 quarter beats
barre on the 5th fret and strum 2 beats
strum open for 2 beats
barre 5th fret for 2 beats
strum open for 4 beats
barre 7th fret for 4 beats

strum open for 2 beats
barre on the 5th fret and strum 2 beats
strum open for 2 beats
barre 5th fret for 2 beats
strum open for 2 beats
barre 7th fret for 2 beats
strum open for 4 beats

barre 7th fret for 4 beats (This is where "o kalalau..." is)
barre 5th fret for 4 beats
strum open for 4 beats
barre 7th fret for 4 beats

strum open for 2 beats
barre on the 5th fret and strum 2 beats
strum open for 2 beats
barre 5th fret for 2 beats
strum open for 2 beats
barre 7th fret for 2 beats
strum open for 2 beats
barre 5th fret for 2 beats(repeat the line "nevermore to say...".)
strum open for 2 beats
barre 7th fret for 2 beats
strum open for 4 beats
(back to the top/next verse)

Of course you have to embellish with bass lines and ornamental riffs to beef up the texture. Different open tunings require different fingering. Don't think to hard, pres em.

Stay Tuned...
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9 Posts

Posted - 08/31/2008 :  2:53:46 PM  Show Profile
Thank you so much for the info. I'll see what I can do with it.
I'd like to come in for a lesson but I don't think that you are located in Florida.

Surf all morning, slack key all afternoon
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27 Posts

Posted - 09/16/2008 :  6:01:35 PM  Show Profile
Aloha e Marty, if you want to learn Koke'e I'll teach you! I just learned a beautiful slack key version by Jeff Peterson, but I know how to play it on uke too. How about the last swell. Just got a new 9'0". I still work second shift which gives me all day to surf/slack. Dude, I can really show you some slack key. I took a workshop on Maui in June. I have alot of Tab I can xerox for you too. Just hit me up brah.

A hui hou,


ka loku mele kaona
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