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5052 Posts |
Posted - 08/17/2008 : 01:49:22 AM
You Tube – week of August 17, 2008 - Hoaikane has been very busy this week and has treated us to two wonderful performances from Pakele Live. The first is Led Kaapana with a whole show full of great guitar picking and great vocals. You can also see Led play several tunes on the `ukulele. His `ukulele version of Morning Dew is just about as beautiful as a piece of music can be. He also does a beautiful rendition of Killing Me Softly on the uke. And what a swell looking guitar he has. Does anyone know what kind it is? What kind of wood? It is magnificent! Then, Hoaikane has gifted us with another spectacular performance by Nathan Aweau. What beautiful vocals he has. Kane`ohe is so great! Beautiful hula being danced for him, as well. – Our Taro Patch braddah, Fran Guidry treats us to another beautifully played piece, Kiho`alu in E double slack (E Wahine). Thanks for the beautiful music Fran and for introducing some folks for the first time to this tuning. – Our TP braddah, Keonepax treats us to vocals and `ukulele from Phantom of the Opera – Wishing you Were Somehow Here Again. Very impressive, John. – Also from John is a radio tribute and interview with Mackey Feary. The interview is from 1998 – one of his last live radio performances. – Here is John and a friend doing Lost Again, a Kalapana cover. And if you have not seen all the swell stuff that John has on his channels on You Tube, here is the link to all the treasures. – Looks like a nice home kanikapila with folks playing Puamana. Very nice. Don’t know who da heck, but a pretty swell job. – George Kuo, Martin Pahinui, and Aaron Mahi at the 2007 KMUD Luau at the Southern Humboldt Community Park. Video by Felix Omai Man, I have NEVER seen George play lidat. He could maybe give Led a run for his money???? – This is not slack key or any other kind of Hawaiian music, but I urge you to listen while you read the blurb attached about a young man named Chris Cerna who is a piano virtuoso. - A gentleman playing a Harley Benton lap steel. Joao Fernandes’ great grand-daughter tells of the history how he brought the `ukulele to Hawai`i. – Hoku Zuttermeister and Jerry Santos. Na Pua Lei `Ilima – performed at the Made in Hawai`I Festival yesterday.
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
32 Posts |
Posted - 08/17/2008 : 03:56:54 AM
Mahalo, Wanda! Some nice stuff here! Loved the Fran Guidry video. Shucks, looks like the 2007 KMUD luau video has been removed from YouTube. |
Luna Ho`omalu
1533 Posts |
Posted - 08/21/2008 : 09:02:34 AM
The video of the group singing Puamana is anchored by Braddah Job, at right, who is well known to the Maui TP ohana and those who attend George K's camp. Don't know if he's a TPer yet.
Jesse Tinsley |
5052 Posts |
432 Posts |
Posted - 08/21/2008 : 10:01:32 AM
My buddy Braddah Job on YouTube? Never thought I'd see that! Jesse, mahalo for pointing that out. Notice how he always has da wahines around him? I love his traditional, old-style way of playing kihoalu.
One of my fondest memories of this past June's Kahumoku workshop was doing an impromptu jam with Job and fellow Taropatchers Allan G. from S.F. Bay Area, Justin A. from Florida, and Jim G from Houston. It's so cool to play with folks from all over the country and just have a good old fashioned Hawaiian backyard jam (on Maui to boot!).
Doug |
Edited by - PearlCityBoy on 08/21/2008 10:02:58 AM |
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