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Kapila Kane
1051 Posts |
Posted - 09/24/2008 : 07:11:21 AM
Passing through Portland airport on Labor Day weekend... saw Bill Keale, who is of course related to the other fine Keale players and ohana... said quick hi and bought cd... a nice mix of some traditional and also originals... He plays mostly in standard, but had a couple of slack key stylings on the cd. And his voice is good...he crosses into "high voice" range nicely. He and his o'hana were doing a constant business on cd's... People would walk by, stop, get a cd, and move on to their destination... And got to chat for a few moments before bustling off to Medford.
kinda late to post, but thanks to Bill, Tiffany and also the Portland airport. DIA needs slack!
1628 Posts |
Posted - 09/24/2008 : 07:57:39 AM
What in dog's name where you doing in Medford & why didn't ya give me a shout?
Mark, who lives closer than he'd like to Medford. |
1260 Posts |
Posted - 09/24/2008 : 3:49:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by Kapila Kane
Passing through Portland airport on Labor Day weekend... saw Bill Keale, who is of course related to the other fine Keale players and ohana... said quick hi and bought cd... a nice mix of some traditional and also originals... He plays mostly in standard, but had a couple of slack key stylings on the cd. And his voice is good...he crosses into "high voice" range nicely. He and his o'hana were doing a constant business on cd's... People would walk by, stop, get a cd, and move on to their destination... And got to chat for a few moments before bustling off to Medford.
kinda late to post, but thanks to Bill, Tiffany and also the Portland airport. DIA needs slack!
Oo! Everybody in dat Keale 'ohana is amazing!
Do you mean Portland, ME, or Portland, OR? And is it Medford, MA? I'll be seeing Kawika Alfiche and his halau there in a few weeks... yay! And Maybe Kama will too if she feels recovered by then. Hope to see some TPers who live in this area there. |
He kehau ho'oma'ema'e ke aloha.
'Alika / Polinahe |
280 Posts |
Posted - 09/25/2008 : 07:43:30 AM
Ah...good to hear that TP members from afar are getting to experience Bill's talents.
The airport has been a very good thing for him - except for the drive over the sometimes snow covered mountains. The numbers of CDs he sells is evidence that people love to hear him.
If you haven't already, check out his web-site -
My favorite CDs are After The Rain and With Aloha. His rendition of Kalamaula will give you chicken skin for sure.
Oh, and that would be Portland Oregon. |
What? You mean high "E" is the TOP string. No way dude! That changes everything! |
Edited by - Podagee57 on 09/25/2008 07:44:29 AM |
1260 Posts |
Posted - 09/25/2008 : 11:20:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by Podagee57
Ah...good to hear that TP members from afar are getting to experience Bill's talents.
The airport has been a very good thing for him - except for the drive over the sometimes snow covered mountains. The numbers of CDs he sells is evidence that people love to hear him.
If you haven't already, check out his web-site -
My favorite CDs are After The Rain and With Aloha. His rendition of Kalamaula will give you chicken skin for sure.
Oh, and that would be Portland Oregon.
Eh tanks braddah.
Kalama'ula... all I can say is wow! |
He kehau ho'oma'ema'e ke aloha.
'Alika / Polinahe |
Kapila Kane
1051 Posts |
Posted - 09/25/2008 : 12:32:48 PM
Yes, Oregon it was... I could return Labor Day weekend next year with Chuck Pyle that would be 3 years in a row. Aparently there's some arts funding in the area...we like it. It will, of course, depend on getting away from teaching (we start in early August) and local gigs...but if it happens again, its our yearly concert at a local high school---not "The Brit", which would be nice, but need some slack names to up the ante!
The cd I picked up is After the Rain... I wanted something with some traditional Hawaiian and also original. Like it . So many of the folks playing music were just wall-paper... but not Bill...amazing to see constant walk up purchases...and some only heard a song as they passed. He's doing something right... and had a good location to boot. |
1628 Posts |
Posted - 09/26/2008 : 08:05:35 AM
quote: Aparently there's some arts funding in the area...we like it. It will, of course, depend on getting away from teaching (we start in early August) and local gigs...but if it happens again, its our yearly concert at a local high school---not "The Brit", which would be nice, but need some slack names to up the ante!
Actually, thats "Britt," as in "The Peter Britt Gardens Music and Arts Festival." To use the full name of the organization I used to manage back in the dark ages.
I have pestered them for years to add more Hawaiian music-- they have had a couple acts, but 99% of the programming is old pop stars from the 60s and 70s. Yep, yer tax dollars at work, supporting wrinkled millionaires who otherwise would be playing the oldies circuit in the Indian casinos. Actually, they are playing the casinos... often on the same tour.
Nice to know you've got a local arts ed gig. Give a shout next time you are through-- I can introduce you to the locals. |
Kapila Kane
1051 Posts |
Posted - 09/26/2008 : 12:11:38 PM
Actually, I WANT to be a wrinkled millionaire... I'll take the millions now, and the wrinkles amortized over time.
If I get to Medford next year--usually Labor Day-- perhaps I can extend the quick turnaround time to visit. I need new friends, the others want their share of my fortune.
Incidentally, Mo' Keale was the one who gave me part of my 15 minutes of fame at the Maui Slack key festival a couple of moons ago. Dat was fun. Smile wrinkles are good. |
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