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 Keith Marzullo invents ukulele/guitar strum!...
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513 Posts

Posted - 09/24/2008 :  8:24:11 PM  Show Profile
Yup, folks. Keith was using ringtones on his cell phone
to oscillate the stringed instruments on stage last night,
hands free! I think it has something to do with the
frequency of resonance. Here, Keith is singlehandedly
performing the Bohemian Rhapsody on everyone else's
instruments. Any theories on how this works?! Ric

It's easier to ask for forgiveness, than permission!


1154 Posts

Posted - 09/24/2008 :  8:30:04 PM  Show Profile
HuH?? He was supposed to be at Kaisens. We may have to revoke his membership.

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513 Posts

Posted - 09/24/2008 :  9:32:08 PM  Show Profile
Are cell phones allowed on stage at Kaisens and acknowledged as bonafide musical instruments there, Dusty? Was that you calling him asking him where he was? We'd sure like to hear the response! LOL! Ric

It's easier to ask for forgiveness, than permission!
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740 Posts

Posted - 09/25/2008 :  06:29:30 AM  Show Profile
Sure hope he doesn't listen, or text on his Ukelele while driving his car, its illegal to do so in California.
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513 Posts

Posted - 09/25/2008 :  7:24:46 PM  Show Profile
Is there such a thing as a BlueToothUlele device?! Ric

It's easier to ask for forgiveness, than permission!
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923 Posts

Posted - 09/26/2008 :  3:37:34 PM  Show Profile  Visit marzullo's Homepage  Send marzullo an AOL message
ho, you caught that? i was using my phone browser to check how you play an Ebm7-5... i gave up and played a C extra loud so it sounded good.


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1260 Posts

Posted - 09/27/2008 :  05:23:55 AM  Show Profile  Visit alika207's Homepage  Send alika207 an AOL message  Click to see alika207's MSN Messenger address  Send alika207 a Yahoo! Message
Originally posted by marzullo

ho, you caught that? i was using my phone browser to check how you play an Ebm7-5... i gave up and played a C extra loud so it sounded good.


Aloha e Kili, Show me what you did next time we wala'au, hiki?

He kehau ho'oma'ema'e ke aloha.

'Alika / Polinahe
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Mika ele

1493 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2008 :  3:23:11 PM  Show Profile
Dusty, Dusty Dusty!
Kaisen's is Tuesday -- MBUS is Wednesday -- Ukulele Society of America is Thursday. Whew --- too many choices in San Diego!!!

I use a similar device called a "Hula Girl Shaker" to loosen up the soundboard tops on my ukuleles and guitars. Same principle as the cell phone -- but then Dr. Marzullo is a pretty talented professor and brought the same techniques up to date. Me, ever much the Scot, I prefer the wire and clothespin.

No joke -- you can find out how to make one here: http://www.ukuleles.com/Technology/HulaGirlShaker.html

E nana, e ho'olohe. E pa'a ka waha, e hana ka lima.
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1154 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2008 :  4:14:32 PM  Show Profile
Originally posted by Mika ele

Dusty, Dusty Dusty!
Kaisen's is Tuesday -- MBUS is Wednesday -- Ukulele Society of America is Thursday. Whew --- too many choices in San Diego!!!

I use a similar device called a "Hula Girl Shaker" to loosen up the soundboard tops on my ukuleles and guitars. Same principle as the cell phone -- but then Dr. Marzullo is a pretty talented professor and brought the same techniques up to date. Me, ever much the Scot, I prefer the wire and clothespin.

Mike, Mike, Mike!

ricdoug said:

"Yup, folks. Keith was using ringtones on his cell phone
to oscillate the stringed instruments on stage last night,
hands free!"

He sent the message on 09/24/2008, which was Wednesday, thereby making "last night" Tuesday night! Hence my response.

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923 Posts

Posted - 09/29/2008 :  5:40:09 PM  Show Profile  Visit marzullo's Homepage  Send marzullo an AOL message

don't forget that dusty is also a professor, and can thus argue with the best of them...

it's like that old joke about the guy in a hot air balloon who got lost for a few days in a fog bank. when the fog cleared, he found himself over a field with a guy standing in the field. the balloonist hollered down saying "hey! where am i?" and the guy in the field hollered back "you're in a balloon!"

so, the balloonist concluded he was over UCSD and the guy was a professor, since the answer, while completely correct, was worthless...

very cool gizmo, btw!


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