Found this and was kinda interesting. It's a video with and Japanese/Okinawan singer named Rimi Natsukawa performing with Konishiki and Jake Shimabukuro with a mix of Japanese and Hawaiian songs. I was actually more impressed with the Japanese girl, she has a really nice, strong voice (I think she's well known in Japan). Anywayz, here's a couple of vids of the performance. Of course the pronunciations (even for Konishiki) could be better, but the feeling is there.
Derek: Some mighty beautiful music you have found to share with us. Konishiki is like Iz - the body of a giant and the voice of an angel. The way that Rimi does Amazing Grace is most beautiful but is a long, long way from the church song we sang down in West Virginia a capella. We had no conductor with a batoan -- we had my Uncle Ted and his pitchpipe....hmmmmmmmm, and then we would all sing off key anyhow.