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 Cindy Combs
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94 Posts

Posted - 09/13/2022 :  05:25:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I only started listening to Cindy a few months ago ( my loss ) and was able to find some information about her and the impact she has had on women playing slack key and slack key in general but was wondering if our members here on TaroPatch can offer more on her and her music for me. Mahalo in advance, Ron

Ron Leach

Russell Letson

504 Posts

Posted - 09/14/2022 :  04:44:44 AM  Show Profile  Visit Russell Letson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Here's an old interview with her:


I also see that she has a fairly recent (2020) recording:


Edited by - Russell Letson on 09/14/2022 04:44:59 AM
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chunky monkey

1025 Posts

Posted - 09/15/2022 :  07:18:13 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I met Cindy years ago at a concert at Chico State U. She was performing with Cyril P and Dennis K. We had gone up there to see them and were invited back to the green room to hang out. Later that year (maybe 2003) I saw her performing in Kauai at the Kiahuna Plantation restaurant. Interestingly, she was doing an all jazz gig (with a small group) but did a couple of my slack key requests. She also used to perform regularly in Hanapepe (I think she lived close) and we used to go there to see her when we were on Kauai. I haven't seen her in years, but I heard that she still did the Kauai Slack Key Festival.
On her recent recording I notice that she does a version of Waimanlo Blues under its original title Nanikuli Blues. I've only heard it done that way one other time by Bla Pahinui.

Edited by - chunky monkey on 09/15/2022 07:21:04 AM
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94 Posts

Posted - 09/15/2022 :  10:33:35 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Mahalo to you guys. She has a distinctive style. I'm going to watch the old interview that Russell mentions.

Ron Leach
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