If you were in a slack key kanikapila circle in Hawaii what are the standards that will usually be passed around?
From my experience the most common ki ho'alu standards that will be passed around the circle are the following:
a.) Opihi Moe Moe b.) Radio Hula c.) Ku'uipo Ona Ona d.) Maori Brown Eyes
Practically every aspiring slacker I've met in Hawaii of every level have these songs in their repertoire. Mainlanders I've met through the net hardly ever have these 4 standards in their repertoire. I'm curious to know what you guys pass around on the continent.
Eh, Duke! Those were among the first dozen tunes I learned. Most kanikapila here have ukulele predominating. I usually play what folks want to sing or what Aunty is singing for hula. Good fun anytime!
Yes, those are all great kanikapila songs I am working on. Quite frankly even "I Kona" has depths to explore I am as yet only vaguely aware of... ...and don't get me started talking about Puamana or Pua Olena...