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 You Tube - week of Dec 13, 2009
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5052 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2009 :  04:37:39 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Today is going to be a good day. Our youngest daughter comes home for a visit, so we will be having Christmas with her a bit early. She and the rest of the Disney on Ice 100 Years of Magic are playing in Youngstown, OH this week. Auwe. For Christmas she will be in Boston. But I will never forget the kindness of Rik Nieves in helping us get Christmas presents to her last year when she was in Orange County, CA at Christmas time. Once again, Rik we thank you.

You Tube – week of December 13, 2009

Santa arrives on Waikiki Beach – palaka suit and all……..

Eddie Would Go – Dec. 9th Quicksilver in Memory of Eddie Aikai - I cannot believe this!!! Waimea never looked like that when we went!!

Food Service Video

Hawai`i Music Supply (and Higher Ground)

So if there are any of our forum members in here, perhaps you might let us know which video and at what time they showed up. Auntie likes know who is who. Dec. 2008 Keoki Kahumoku music camp at Ka`u – There are three videos lasting about 30 minutes each. These were produced by “blucham” – Alvin Franco of Blue Chameleon Video Productions. This is part one of three parts. I am only posting the link to the first one here. You can get to the others from his channel on You Tube. This ppermits us a wonderful glance into what really goes on at Keoki’s camp and how he and the other instructors feel about sharing their mana`o. Instructors were: Keoki Kahumoku; Uncle Moses Kahumoku, Herb Ohta, Jr., Konabob Stoffer; John Keawe, Sonny Lim, Amy Stillman, Leilehua Yuen, Erin Cole, Brittni Paiva, and Kaiwi Perkins

Napua Makua – Ku`u Home Alokele

Napua Makua with original song – Lawakua

Na Palapalai with Mark Yamanaka – Mokihana Lullaby – This is absolutely lovely. Na Palapalai (amond others) have been busy in Japan recently.

Same guys, the Yodel Song –

Auntie gets worn out just listening to this. How they have the energy? Mevina Liufau and Nonosina go off at the 2009 Studio Saki Christmas Concert.

Fran Guidry – Papalina Lahilahi

Abrigo `Ohana and Uncle Ron Kanahele – Mele `Ukulele

Abrigo `Ohana and Uncle Ron Kanahele. Uncle is playing regular guitar and Timi is playing steel. He has learned much so quickly!

Uncle Ron Kanahele and the Abrigo `Ohana—look what that kolohe Uncle has taught Timi – he make the steel sound like all the critters!!!! Jalike Bobby Ingano. Yee-haw!

Bobby Moderow, Led Kaapana, Haumea Warrington, Alika Odom – one sweet, sweet verson of Sanoe. Wow. Thanks, Tyler.

Darlin’ Cory on the baritone `ukulele. This is down home kine music. Well, sorta. He no sing like Lester Flatt.

This is another version of Darliin Cory – more like what I am used to hearing – Mike Seeger

A Doug Fitch Original – Over and Over

A group from Japan – Tamashiro Market – playing Pu`uanahulu . One of the guitarists sent me a swell Gabby poster and I sent him a Rock & Roll Hall of Fame t-shirt. They’ve been together a while. They posted plenty more this week, so check ‘em out.

Slackkeyohana playing “Morning Dew”

Here’s gent from Japana playing Whee Ha Swing on a dobro looking thang.

Honoring St. Damien

Country Comfort – To Be Lonely

Don Kaulia and Kevin Teves – E Hihiwai

This is a group called Pahale playing at the Higher Ground Café – Hokule`a Star of Gladness

Apanalua – Noho Paipai

Some choral group singing “Nani Ko`olau”

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,


1055 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2009 :  3:29:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here's where Mike Seeger went to school. After meeting Roscoe, Mike spent some time traveling with him, getting gigs for them both on College Campuses and such. Now that's school! I had a couple of classes taught by Mike , one was on Roscoe's style of playing. Maybe in another 10 years I'll grasp enough of it to play somewhat like that. "An untamed sense of control." - Bob Dylan. That's what makes the slicked-back pablum on commercial radio so boring. Real musicians walked the earth. And some still do.
Unko Paul

"A master banjo player isn't the person who can pick the most notes.It's the person who can touch the most hearts." Patrick Costello
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2174 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2009 :  05:26:08 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Eh. Unko, I always tell people to keep turning da rocks over, 'cause the real stuff is still out there.
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1511 Posts

Posted - 12/15/2009 :  11:32:13 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by rendesvous1840

Here's where Mike Seeger went to school. After meeting Roscoe, Mike spent some time traveling with him, getting gigs for them both on College Campuses and such. Now that's school! I had a couple of classes taught by Mike , one was on Roscoe's style of playing. Maybe in another 10 years I'll grasp enough of it to play somewhat like that. "An untamed sense of control." - Bob Dylan. That's what makes the slicked-back pablum on commercial radio so boring. Real musicians walked the earth. And some still do.
Unko Paul

Paul -
I had several encouters with Mike, all pleasant, from the early 60's thru the early "aughts". He is sorely missed. I love to 2 finger pick my banjo ala the East Tennessee folks! I saw Roscoe when Mike brought him to LA lo those many years ago. Way intense!

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