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 An eletronics guy in Providence, RI/Fall River, MA
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4551 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2010 :  12:43:23 PM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Send Admin an AOL message  Send Admin an ICQ Message  Send Admin a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Anyone know someone who can solder something for a quick fix? Have a show tonight and need something fixed. If so, please email me.




1597 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2010 :  12:57:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

It's not that hard Andy, you can do it yourself with a $5.00 iron and solder from Radio Shack.

I am sure beginners instructions can be found on the web, too, but basically just stick the two items together, heat with iron, apply solder (usually between iron and things you are soldering to help transfer heat). Apply enough to "wet" the area and leave a little bead. You probably want to solder a connector like a 1/4 in plug perhaps?, you can shove the wire(s) into the little holes on the middle connection and on the side connection, then solder.

This is not the NASA-SPEC way, (I had that training long ago), but it will get the job done.

Anyone who has to use electronic connections in their work (like Musicians), should know how to at least solder the cables and connectors as these situations turn up more often than you may think.

Good Luck...

Mahope Kākou...
...El Lorenzo de Ondas Sonoras
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928 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2010 :  2:04:54 PM  Show Profile  Visit Konabob's Homepage  Send Konabob an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Ditto! Every musician eventually has to solder something.... Go for it!
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4551 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2010 :  2:10:32 PM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Send Admin an AOL message  Send Admin an ICQ Message  Send Admin a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks guys! You're brave to trust me with a soldering gun.

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5052 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2010 :  2:24:08 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hoh, Auntie was certified for NASA and Army Missile Command High-Reliability Soldering. I aced the certification course, but was a few years ago before retirement time. Clean the flux off. Don't use flux core solder.

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,
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2368 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2010 :  2:28:07 PM  Show Profile  Visit Retro's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by wcerto

Clean the flux off. Don't use flux core solder.
When Auntie Wanda tells you to get the flux out, don't argue - do as she says!
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1597 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2010 :  2:44:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Clean the flux off. Don't use flux core solder.
This time I have to disagree with Auntie just a little. If you are making a Nuclear Detonator control or if you are going into space, then it may not be best to use flux core solder, but if you are making audio connectors/cables it is fine. Flux core is used millions of times on millions of connectors each year for industry and works for 50 years just fine.

Cleaning the flux off after soldering is a good idea too, (and necessary for NASA spec), but if you don't the joint may only last 5-10 years.

If you get the solder from Radio Shack, I do not think you can get the non-flux core stuff anyway, as they do not sell it. You can use Alcohol to clean off the flux if you care, and they should have the little stiff cleaning brushes at R.S.

But, before she tells me to "Flux Off", just don't try to sell the resulting product to the Military (or to Auntie)!

Mahope Kākou...
...El Lorenzo de Ondas Sonoras

Edited by - Lawrence on 03/19/2010 3:08:03 PM
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5052 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2010 :  3:16:22 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Even Unko Paul tells me his soldered connections are not going to the moon when I nag him about leaving the flux on. And sheesh, when I look inside the TV or stereos or whatever and see the crappy boards, oh my, it gives me apoplexy. But many wave soldered boards are even worse.

I say that is what's wrong with Toyotas. Bad solder. Somehow, somewhere. That's what I blame all bad electronics on. Either that or ESD.

Use eutectic solder. Easier. Fool-proof.

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,
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2175 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2010 :  5:41:16 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Eh, Andy! GEt plenny Potagees in Fall River / Providence area. Easy fo find LINGUICA, AKA POTAGEE SAUSAGE. I've found it in the area, impressing cousin for breakfast.
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1055 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2010 :  6:27:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What I think Auntie means is to not use ACID core solder. Acid core is a no-no for electrical. Rosin core is OK. That's the flux she wants you to clean off the joint after soldering.
Unko Paul

"A master banjo player isn't the person who can pick the most notes.It's the person who can touch the most hearts." Patrick Costello

Edited by - rendesvous1840 on 03/19/2010 6:31:13 PM
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1055 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2010 :  06:37:59 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Can get solid wire solder at lots of places, probably at Radio Shack. I have some here. But you hafta add separate flux, so I usually don't bother. I only do 2 kings of soldering at home anyway, and they use different solder, so I normally either use rosin core lead for electrical, or pure tin for plumbing stuff. Rosin core has the flux inside, all ready to use.
Unko Paul

"A master banjo player isn't the person who can pick the most notes.It's the person who can touch the most hearts." Patrick Costello
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89 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2010 :  09:34:21 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Where can you find a $5.00 soldering iron anymore????? Seriously, before you try soldering your guitar, try something else first to get used to it. There is much that can go wrong if you are at all nervous. While it's not rocket science, a little experience can go a long way. Always remember safety, to you and your instrument. I've grabbed the wrong end twice while not looking at exactly what I was doing. Smells like steak!!!
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5052 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2010 :  10:23:29 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
First day of soldering class, I grabbed the wrong end of the soldering iron, too. Hoh, gotta tell you it make cleaning the soldered connections much more difficult the rest of the two-week class. Blisters on fingers equals ow-ow-ow when alcohol hits it. Ah, fond memories of work days. Good thing I retired.

I love solder speak....like "the dihedral angle of wetting". Oooh. Almost as much as I like gears.

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,

Edited by - wcerto on 03/20/2010 10:24:46 AM
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1597 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2010 :  11:21:29 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
First day of soldering class, I grabbed the wrong end of the soldering iron, too. Hoh, gotta tell you it make cleaning the soldered connections much more difficult the rest of the two-week class. Blisters on fingers equals ow-ow-ow when alcohol hits it. Ah, fond memories of work days. Good thing I retired.

I love solder speak....like "the dihedral angle of wetting". Oooh. Almost as much as I like gears.
Yes, I remember it took about two weeks, but what was I to do? There I was sitting at my desk in the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building at the Cape, in between launches, with little to do except filing test specifications (as a 19 year old Co-Op student). Of course the launches/moon missions were quite exciting.

Sony disease: Speaking of wave soldering, Sony pushed their stuff through too fast. I have fixed almost all of the Sony equipment I own when it quit working (and almost all of my Sony equipment has failed in this way) by simply resoldering some of the circuit board joints (knowing which ones is the technical trick). Knowing which part of the circuit failed, if you look closely with magnifiers you can see minute fractures around the "cold solder joints" between the pins and the board, because greedy Sony ran the boards across the wave too fast for proper wetting. When resoldering, you can hear a little pop as the cone of solder releases the air (which wasn't supposed to be there in the first place) trapped between the pin and the board . Now-a-daze most soldering is surface-mount done by a reflow process not a wave, but I am sure Sony is still cutting too many corners.

For several more reasons, including the Sony DRM (Digital Rights Management)damaging millions of computers world wide a couple of years ago, I no longer buy anything from Sony.

Mahope Kākou...
...El Lorenzo de Ondas Sonoras

Edited by - Lawrence on 03/20/2010 11:30:12 AM
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28 Posts

Posted - 03/20/2010 :  3:27:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I actually soldered an E (1st) string once that had broken near the tuning peg. I was about 14 at the time and didn't have a lot of money to go buy new strings but I was into electronics and had a soldering iron so I tried it and it and held.

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5052 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2010 :  12:40:42 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Daryl, that is a great story! I can't believe it held. Now that is ingenuity!

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,
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