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5052 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2010 : 10:06:47 AM
My daughters (and maybe Paul, I'm not sure - because I do not give him a chance to object), think I am crazy for ironing jeans and that it is abnormal to do so.
After years as aclothing & textiles quality assurance specialist for the Dept. of Defense, I learned quickly that a crappy made garment looked much nicer if it were well pressed and thus started my ironing careeer. Prior to that time, I only bought stuff that didn't need ironing.
We need an informal poll. Do you (or someone else) iron your jeans or do you wear them straight out of the dryer or off the line?
Do you mind wrinkles and crinkles?
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
2174 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2010 : 10:22:57 AM
Aunty, I wear Wranglers. Never iron'em. Jeans that get ironed get one white crease down da front, uneven wear. Part of being informal is being informal. It's a bluecollar thing. |
240 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2010 : 12:04:35 PM
Never once in 50 years ironed a pair of jeans. Course I never wash em either so no need  |
841 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2010 : 2:19:00 PM
What's an iron? |
"The music of the Hawaiians, the most fascinating in the world, is still in my ears and haunts me sleeping and waking." Mark Twain |
2368 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2010 : 2:22:02 PM
Won't that hurt my genes? |
112 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2010 : 3:01:00 PM
If it says 'iron', it goes back on the rack. I've never ironed a pair of jeans nor do I intend to. |
Lovin' Lee is my favorite pasttime!!
1055 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2010 : 6:20:14 PM
? No capice englaise. Unko Paul |
"A master banjo player isn't the person who can pick the most notes.It's the person who can touch the most hearts." Patrick Costello |
1055 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2010 : 6:26:10 PM
Non con un palo di 10 piedi! Unko Paul |
"A master banjo player isn't the person who can pick the most notes.It's the person who can touch the most hearts." Patrick Costello |
850 Posts |
Posted - 04/11/2010 : 04:41:32 AM
If you take teen aged nerd kids and you drop em off in front of the High school then go ahead, won't make any difference. However, if you want your family and friends to have a fair chance in life (LOL) then fold em up out of the dryer. |
Bob |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 04/11/2010 : 06:32:36 AM
I think I am the odd man out, so to speak.
So I won't even tell you about ironing shower curtains and towels nd dish towels and pillow cases and sweaters and......... |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
928 Posts |
Posted - 04/11/2010 : 07:01:06 AM
"Do you mind wrinkles and crinkles?"
Uh, how much soap are you using, or is that just the water in Cleveland? I have relatives near Alliance, Ohio. There is so much natural gas in the ground that you can hold a match over a glass of their well water, and get a nice little blue flame!
-KB |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 04/11/2010 : 07:15:08 AM
My ma and my oldest sister in W. Va. had natural gas in their water. Made you burp, but smelled horrible. Yuck.
We have very hard water here. It comes from Lake Erie. I don't know where Alliance would get their water, probably from a reservoir from the Mahoning River probably. Alliance might be maybe 50 miles SE of us. |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
1511 Posts |
Posted - 04/11/2010 : 09:01:53 AM
Eh, Wanda! I nevah iron 'em. Thumbs is right - dont want crease - but if you iron 'em flat, seams on each side, it does work. I'm an old fart now, but I've been wering Levi 501's since small kid time (cowboy boots, too -my Southwest background). My first wife ironed everything, even underwear. She is a fussy perfectionist - I still see her because we share kids and grandkids, but that's another subject, eh? |
keaka |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 04/11/2010 : 09:16:50 AM
I ron them flat. I don't put creases because without a pressing buck with steam and vacuum, cannot get a good crease at home. Plus opu nui people like me look bad with cresed pants.
When I worked for the gov't, the womens Army dress pants had a permanent crease by first creasing the pants panets before the pants swere sewn together. When the garment was finished, then they were turned inside out and a bead of silocone similar to aquarium cement would be applied about 1/16" thick all the way down the crease. Creases were to be from the crotch in the front down and on the back from 1" below the knewws down. No crease in back above knees because then you would have to sit on the adhesive and it would not be comfortable, a constant nagging irritant, according to the soldiers. But that crease was sharp and it would never go away even when the pants were dry cleaned. It was a thang of beauty, I tell you.
I don't believe I am a fussy perfectionist. I just like well pressed clothing. And stuff. |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
2174 Posts |
Posted - 04/11/2010 : 1:22:40 PM
Well, Aunty, all I can say is, "Jus' press!" |
10 Posts |
Posted - 04/11/2010 : 10:22:26 PM
The last time I saw jeans being pressed was when my grandmother pressed and creased my grandfathers jeans with a charcoal iron and a stick of parafin wax to keep the crease. After using Mrs.Smiths bluing of course. |
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