Well it's that time of year again -- kkcr.org is having its Spring pledge drive and needs listener $$ to stay on the air. We are a community radio station (read: public radio's poor relation!), dependent on listener contributions (and scant grants) to stay financially afloat. All of us who are programmers with on-air shows at KKCR, are volunteers; our staff is just one full-time station manager and 3 part-timers.
If you've enjoyed the music (or talk show) offerings of KKCR, now is when to show how much you mean it -- if you can. We're offering some swell premiums! I'm on-air 7-9am (HST) today and tomorrow -- it would be swell if you TPers would show your support by calling in a pledge. Tollfree # is 1-866-275-1112...or do it via our website: www.kkcr.org
Auntie Maria =================== My "Aloha Kaua`i" radio show streams FREE online every Thu & Fri 7-9am (HST) www.kkcr.org - Kaua`i Community Radio "Like" Aloha Kauai on Facebook, for playlists and news/info about island music and musicians!
Mahalo NUI loa, Wanda -- and to the other TP folks who called in their pledges today!!!
I'm on-air again tomorrow (7-9am HST) and will gladly take your calls of support to KKCR
Auntie Maria =================== My "Aloha Kaua`i" radio show streams FREE online every Thu & Fri 7-9am (HST) www.kkcr.org - Kaua`i Community Radio "Like" Aloha Kauai on Facebook, for playlists and news/info about island music and musicians!