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 Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar / Hawaiian Music
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5052 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2011 :  11:44:37 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When you are playing a slack key song, should the vamps you play within the song be the same vamp within the song or is it OK to do different ones within the same song? I know for instance of you are playing various songs in Taropatch tuning for instance that you need to have a variety of vamps that you would use in that tuning for different mele, but is it proper to mix them within the same song?

I think they should be the same (for hula purposes), Somehow it just jumps right out to my ear if the vamps are not the same within one mele.

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,


928 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2011 :  12:34:44 PM  Show Profile  Visit Konabob's Homepage  Send Konabob an AOL message  Reply with Quote
You don't have to use the same vamp all the time... but the timing has to be compatible with the hula. Not all vamps are. If you are playing with a group that is performing a hula, it would be a bad idea to change timing without working it out with the group in advance. Get some mean stink eye if you do that kine stuffs.

Konabob's Walkingbass - http://www.konawalkingbass.com
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232 Posts

Posted - 01/10/2011 :  09:21:16 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Normally with hula, you wouldn't necessarily just have a kihoalu player. normally you would have someone playing rhythm guitar/ukulele also which is what the dancer would follow. So the kihoalu player could do whatever they wanted but stay within the timing of the rhythm player. But if it's like a solo artist who calls up a solo hula dancer or something then it's his/her job to be sure to keep the timing consistent. But the dancer must also be attentive to what's being played and be able to adapt on the spot. The dancer would have her own internal rhythm so slight changes to the sound of something (not changes in timing) should not have an affect. Nobody is going to play the same song exactly the same way. That's the beauty of a solo dancer, not having to keep to the exact structure of the dance as if you were dancing in a group. Adlibbing and feeding off of what's being played is part of dancing solo.

Ke Kani Nahe

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Doug Fitch

80 Posts

Posted - 01/10/2011 :  8:31:49 PM  Show Profile  Visit Doug Fitch's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi Wanda! I'm biased as a musician, but I perform often with hula as you know. Other than the timing, I vary the vamps a lot for spontaneity, creativity, and lack of monotony. Hula chicks are great with keeping with the beats of a vamp, never had problems. Maybe you should ask them if they've had problems with me! : )
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5052 Posts

Posted - 01/11/2011 :  03:40:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So I guess that means I shouldn't yell at Paul if he varies the vamps. Uh....ah....sorry, Hun-Bun.

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,
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4551 Posts

Posted - 01/11/2011 :  07:13:32 AM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Send Admin an AOL message  Send Admin an ICQ Message  Send Admin a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by wcerto

When you are playing a slack key song, should the vamps you play within the song be the same vamp within the song or is it OK to do different ones within the same song?
I have heard a well respected slack key teacher talk about how players should vary vamps within a piece. For the player, it is another way to improvise and make the song sound more interesting. Similarly, steel guitarists will typically play variations on the vamps within a song. One consideration might be that certain songs have characteristic vamps that people are used to hearing.

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2173 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2011 :  09:20:30 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The guy that showed me how to play said of vamps, "Can play any kine as long as it fit. Go try make'm up. Noddah one, noddah one."
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1511 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2011 :  08:06:37 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When I played on Gary Madeiros' CD, a hula CD, btw, I played every vamp I know and some I created on the spot to give the music variability and not make it sound the same. Remember, Auntie, that "variety is the spice of life"!

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