Uncle Kihei has posted a new essay on the Halau Mohala `Ilima web site discussing the mo`olelo of his wonderful mele, "Mapuna Ka Hala O Kailua". The story of how he came to write this song and what it all means is an absolutely beautiful story. http://web.mac.com/halaumohalailima/HMI/M%C4%81puna_ka_Hala_o_Kailua.html
Duke, Derek, Shawn & Sam - the men of Ke Kani Nahe have performed this song beautifully.
Auntie Maria =================== My "Aloha Kaua`i" radio show streams FREE online every Thu & Fri 7-9am (HST) www.kkcr.org - Kaua`i Community Radio "Like" Aloha Kauai on Facebook, for playlists and news/info about island music and musicians!