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 Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar / Hawaiian Music
 Sound Port
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fred d

60 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2011 :  3:52:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I cut sound port in my old harmany guitar made a big difference in the sound and I can hear it better

fred davis


13 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2011 :  4:55:41 PM  Show Profile  Visit patf's Homepage  Reply with Quote

That sometimes happens with a soundport, but not always. It depends on the guitar. More basic guitars tend to be built stiff, which can make them project more, where the sound gets out into the room more. A soundport "lets out" more of the sound around the player. Other guitars that are built more lightly might already make the sound surround the player, and the soundport has less of that effect. Fun stuff at any rate.

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1511 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2011 :  7:06:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Back in the late 60's, I was sitting around with a bunch of the guys at McCabes in Santa Monica. It was around Xmas, so we had a bunch of $30 Conqueror guitars (from Korea) to sell to the parents who insisted on getting cheap guitars for their kids (in spite of us explaining that guitars are not toys....oh well). Walter Camp, half owner of the place, along with Jerry McCabe, was practicing his musical saw for the staff Xmas show. He grabbed a guitar and played a chord on it. Of course, it sounded bad. He said "I've told you guys a million times how bad these things are", grabbed his saw and sawed of the bottom of the guitar just below the bridge. He then played the same chord, which didn't aound any different = same tone. "See", he said, "I told you so". There's a message in there about where the sound comes from in a guitar, and something about silk purses and sow's ears. I was impressed! btw, I've skipped the profanity in Walter's presentation.

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