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Posted - 06/30/2011 :  07:57:38 AM  Show Profile  Visit Konabob's Homepage  Send Konabob an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Wednesday was the second full day of camp, and it still feels like there is plenty of time to improve as a musician!

The 6 ʻukulele builders are making great progress, and as I walked around camp in the morning, I heard a lot of laughter coming from the big tent as Robyn and Moana coached their hula students.

Kaponoʻai showed me some of the ipu heke that were being created by his students. "In the old times, the gourds were stitched together. It was very difficult work." He is also working on a small gourd instrument that is whirled around on strings. It makes a haunting, "windy" sound that, in my mind, creates the feeling that the Spirits are very near. (You might have seen Moanalani playing one while joining Keola onstage at previous Beamer concerts.)

Keola is starting to work on his performance for Beamer Concert Night. We have found a small quiet room that is being used by him and others to work on their sets. Thereʻs a lot of fun "buzz" as campers are making plans and "recruiting" others to join them for their Open Mic nite presentations Thursday.

I enjoyed playing bass for Melinda Carol, and her class in the afternoons. She has a very cheerful demeanor, and it rubs off on people. Robyn has been joining in with the class, and I have heard some real ʻchicken skinʻ moments as they work on the songs that will be performed for Hoʻike night. Both are incredible vocalists. Kanaka Wai Wai was so beautiful, I almost "testified" right then and there.

There are three friends of Keolaʻs who are attending camp. They are being called "The Three Amigos from Punahoe". They are a lot of fun to hang out with. They know a lot of great old Hawaiian tunes, and they have also been playing some very tasty jazz numbers. (A bass player who shall remain nameless will be performing with them on "Open Mic Night", much to his delight.)

There is a beautiful quarterly magazine published here on the Big Island called "Ke Ola" (The Life). Their reporter came by yesterday and they are coming back today with a photographer to do a piece on Keola and the camp. When the article comes out, I will give you all the link to it.

Dinner was delicious, AGAIN, and the lilikoi cheesecake was a big hit. Then it was time for "Kanikapila Night". Geri Valdriz took over on my bass, so I could play steel guitar. What fun! Melinda, Robyn, Dennis Kamakahi, and the Three Amigos really made the evening click. Some highlights were Claudia Goddard and Tommy Cheng, (New York, NY) leading us in several beautiful songs, and our Japanese students, Miho Hyodo and Midori Nonoka, bringing the house down by playing and dancing a Japanese version of "Sophisticated Hula". The night flew by. My hats off to the the intrepid ʻukulele players who bravely played along WITHOUT SONGBOOKS - OMG!

Today is Open Mic Night. I will keep you posted!

Konabob's Walkingbass - http://www.konawalkingbass.com
Taropatch Steel - http://www.konaweb.com/konabob/
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=Konabob2+Walkingbass

Edited by - Konabob on 07/02/2011 09:15:09 AM
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