I Just finished producing George's new Taro Patch DVD. He teaches the Taro Patch G and Taro Patch F tunings. In all there are 9 songs and he show some Jamming with Keoki Kahumoku and Danial Ho. Just in case you folks need some new stuff to work on. Its availabe on my site www.thegtw.com
I'll see if i can make the party, I'm pouring cement at my house in Lemon Grove Saturday may not be able to walk but I'll try and make it. To be honest I'm pretty rusty with the Slack Key, getting back to work on Georges DVD help me get back in the mood. Just a quick note for you San Diego People, George will be playing on KFMB TV tomorrow morning very earlly. Hes in town doing some promotion work for the Maui turist board. Also I had the pleasure working with him today on yet another new DVD . This is just a studio concert DVD 14 songs George talking story and Playing. I'll keep you informed when it will ba available.